Role of innovative work behavior of vocational lecturer in Indonesia
Article InfoVolume 7 2023, Issue #1, pp. 104-114
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One aspect that needs to be developed in work is competence. In this case, competence is knowledge, skills, and attitudes sufficient to meet needs, such as good job performance. One of the employee behaviors that has not been developed and improved is the behavior of innovation at work. This study aims to analyze the role of Vocational Lecturers’ innovative behavior. This study was conducted based on data about 1,494 lecturers from vocational higher education institutions in East Java, Indonesia (seven state polytechnics and two state community academies). Using the proportional random sampling method, the Slovin formula of 316 people was used. The questionnaire was conducted as through Google Forms, as a person by seeing research respondents, and by holding virtual meetings from March to April 2022. The collected data were processed using descriptive statistical analysis methods to determine the characteristics of the respondents and inferential statistics using the SmartPLS version 3.0 program. The results of this study indicate that organizational support and transglobal leadership characteristics significantly affect employee engagement, proactive personality, proactive work behavior, and performance. Transglobal leadership influences proactive personality and job engagement in positive and significant ways. Organizational support significantly and beneficially influences work engagement and proactive attitudes. Work engagement positively and meaningfully encourages innovative work behavior, with a path coefficient 0.22. The path coefficients of the relationship between inventive work style, proactive attitude, and employee performance are 0.55 and 0.617, respectively. In addition, job involvement has a statistically significant adverse effect on worker performance.
- Keywords
- Figure 1. Research model
- Table 1. Outer loading
- Table 2. Composite reliability and Cronbach’s alpha
- Table 3. R-square (R2) and predictive relevance (Q2) values
- Table 4. Hypothesis testing results on the direct effects
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