The effect of R&D capitalization on revenue-expense matching: Focusing on the bio-pharmaceutical industries in South Korea
Article InfoVolume 22 2025, Issue #1, pp. 213-230
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Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
The study aims to investigate the effect of research and development (R&D) capitalization on revenue-expense matching in the pharmaceutical and biotechnology industries, with particular attention to the moderating role of corporate governance and the influence of regulatory intervention. While capitalizing R&D expenditures enhances the relevance of financial information and positively impacts firm value, it also increases the risk of earnings management, potentially disrupting revenue-expense matching. Using a fixed-effects regression model, this study analyzes 1,350 firm-year observations from Korean listed firms in the bio-pharmaceutical sector from 2012 to 2022. The sample includes firms with financial statements, auditor data, and detailed disclosures on R&D expenditures, encompassing capitalized R&D costs, R&D expenses recognized in income statements, and those classified as manufacturing costs. The results indicate that R&D capitalization generally weakens revenue-expense matching in these industries. However, the adverse effects are mitigated by the effective implementation of corporate governance mechanisms. Additionally, the Financial Supervisory Service’s thematic supervision of R&D accounting practices has significantly improved revenue-expense matching. Prior to the supervision period (2012–2017), firms exhibited significant discretionary capitalization practices, undermining revenue-expense matching. Following the supervision (2018–2022), improved adherence to accounting standards has enhanced matching quality, underscoring the regulatory intervention’s effectiveness. These findings contribute to the literature by demonstrating that while discretionary R&D capitalization can impair revenue-expense alignment, strong corporate governance and adherence to accounting standards can offset these negative effects. The study provides valuable implications for future research and industry practices, particularly in navigating the trade-offs associated with R&D capitalization.
This study was supported by Chungnam National University.
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)O32, M41, G32, M40
- Table 1. Sample selection process and annual distribution of samples
- Table 2. Descriptive statistics
- Table 3. Correlations (p-values below)
- Table 4. The effect of R&D capitalization on the revenue-expense matching
- Table 5. The moderating effect of the outside directors on the relationship between R&D capitalization and revenue-expense matching
- Table 6. The moderating effect of the largest shareholder’s ownership on the relationship between R&D capitalization and revenue-expense matching
- Table 7. The effect of R&D capitalization on the revenue-expense matching before and after the thematic supervision by the FSS
- Table A1. Variable definition
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