Demystifying the relationship between ESG and SDG performance: Study of emerging economies
Received February 18, 2023;Accepted June 14, 2023;Published July 3, 2023
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Article InfoVolume 20 2023, Issue #3, pp. 1-12
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Companies and investors in emerging markets have started paying attention to ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) issues. There has been a growing demand for aligning ESG disclosure of companies to UN SDGs (United Nations Sustainable Development Goals), so understanding how the firm-level ESG affects the country-level SDG is very important for evaluating the advances in ESG and SDG implementation in emerging markets. This study examines the linkage between firm-level ESG disclosures and their relationship with country-level SDG scores over ten years for three emerging countries: India, China, and Brazil. The analysis of 1,500 top-listed firms in these countries reveals an increasing trend of firms going for ESG disclosures and increased ESG scores over the years in the three markets. Out of the total sample, almost 75% of firms make ESG disclosures in Brazil, followed by 54% in India and 32% in China. Additionally, companies in all these countries tend to emphasize governance-related disclosures more, with Brazil having higher ESG disclosures than India and China. The correlation and causality tests indicate a significant positive correlation between mean ESG scores and country-specific SDG scores. The Dumitrescu-Hurlin panel causality tests provide stronger linkages between firm-specific Environment scores and SDG scores, indicating that a firm’s environment disclosures translate into higher SDG scores. However, the same is not valid for Social and Governance factors. These findings have important implications given the global attention on the linkages between ESG disclosure and SDG score.
The financial and infrastructure support provided by FORE School of Management, New Delhi in completing this paper is gratefully acknowledged.
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)G34, G38, Q01
- Figure 1. Percentage of firms making ESG disclosures
- Figure 2. Percentage of firms making Environment disclosures
- Figure 3. Percentage of firms making Social disclosures
- Figure 4. Percentage of firms making Governance disclosures
- Figure 5. Average ESG scores of sample firms in three countries (2010–2019)
- Figure 6. Average Environment score of sample firms in three countries (2010–2019)
- Figure 7. Average Social score of sample firms in three countries (2010–2019)
- Figure 8. Average Governance score of sample firms in three countries (2010–2019)
- Figure 9. ESG coefficient of variation of sample firms in three countries (2010–2019)
- Table 1. Correlation between ESG and SDG (scores)
- Table 2. Pairwise Dumitrescu-Hurlin panel causality tests
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Tarun Kumar Soni
Data curation
Tarun Kumar Soni
Formal Analysis
Tarun Kumar Soni
Tarun Kumar Soni
Tarun Kumar Soni
Tarun Kumar Soni
Tarun Kumar Soni
Tarun Kumar Soni
Tarun Kumar Soni
Writing – original draft
Tarun Kumar Soni
Writing – review & editing
Tarun Kumar Soni
The role of accounting in sustainable development
Accounting and Financial Control Volume 1, 2017 Issue #2 pp. 4-12 Views: 8222 Downloads: 4901 TO CITEIdeology of Sustainable Development and Sustainable Development Goals influence the transformation of business processes in the companies. Professional accountants are important part of this transformation. In this paper the role of accounting in Sustainable Development Goals achievement is discussed. Different approaches to structuring the role of professional accountants in Sustainable Development are investigated. Among them are types of roles that perform accountants, their professional functions, skills and competencies in the corporate environment. As the result a holistic vision of the role of accounting in sustainable development in the new economic conditions is provided.
The impact of the COVID-19 outbreak on the Indian stock market – A sectoral analysis
Investment Management and Financial Innovations Volume 18, 2021 Issue #3 pp. 334-346 Views: 7580 Downloads: 3541 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯThis paper aims to examine the impact of the COVID-19 outbreak on Indian firms listed on the NSE and analyze its impact on various sectors. In addition, a sub-sample analysis based on market capitalization was performed to understand the effect of size during extreme events. The sample consisted of 1,335 firms listed on the NSE India. A standard event study outlined by Brown and Warner (1985) was employed to analyze the price impact on the COVID-19 outbreak. The event windows from -10 days to +10 days were selected. The estimation window is 250 days. The Nifty 50 has been chosen as a proxy for market return. The sample firms witnessed a negative impact of the COVID-19 outbreak with a negative CAAR in different event windows. In addition, various sectors are classified according their responsiveness towards the COVID-19 outbreak into three groups: highly negatively affected, moderately negatively affected, and slightly negatively affected. The paper also points out that the pandemic substantially affects the above-median market capitalized firms than the below-median market capitalized firms, which contradicts the size effect phenomenon. The results assist shareholders in managing their portfolios and mitigate the systematic risk of their investments during extreme events such as a pandemic, wars, and others. This study is the first comprehensive analysis of the impact of the COVID-19 outbreak on different sectors in India. It is also the first study to investigate the size effect anomalies during extreme events.
Environmental Performance Index: relation between social and economic welfare of the countries
Tetyana Pimonenko, Oleksii Lyulyov
, Olena Chygryn
, Maksim Palienko doi:
Environmental Economics Volume 9, 2018 Issue #3 pp. 1-11 Views: 3791 Downloads: 604 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯThe paper deals with the analysis of methodology of Environmental Performance Index. The authors analyzed and systematized the main existing integrated indices, which were used for evaluation of environmental, social and economic situation in the countries. The authors allocated the environmental performance index as a basis for analyzing the environmental policy of the country. In this direction, the authors analysed the main features, structure and indicators of environmental performance index. The authors allocated the world-leader countries with huge level of CO2 emissions. According to the results, the authors aproved that these countries should improve their environmental policy. Accordingly, they occupied less position in environmental performance index. For the purpose to analyze the relation between ecological, social and economic welfare, the authors analyzed score of sustainable development goal index, social progress index and gross domestic product per capita. The comparison analysis of findings showed that countries with good position on environmental performance index have the strong position on sustainable development goal index and social progress index. The authors suggested that Ukraine should orient to the EU countries with purpose to improve the environmental policy.