Assessment of infrastructure entities’ activity on the insurance market


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The paper presents an approach to assessing insurance market infrastructure entities’ activity that allows identifying gaps and weaknesses and seeking ways of addressing them in the context of revitalization of such emerging insurance markets as Ukrainian. To determine the impact of costs of insurance market infrastructure entities on the financial performance before taxes resulting from insurance activity, the regression formula is used. It demonstrates significant dependence between financial performance before taxes of insurers and costs of accident commissioner services. Based on this, an assessment approach for groups of insurance market infrastructure entities is created. The assessment results suggest that the efficiency of insurance market infrastructure entities in Ukraine is unsatisfactory (135 points out of 390). To develop infrastructure entities of the insurance market in Ukraine, it is expedient to ensure an effective regulatory framework for all insurance infrastructure entities, including registers, reporting, and a requirement to disclose information on their performance.

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    • Table 1. Approach to assess the activity of the groups of insurance market infrastructure entities
    • Table 2. Growth rates of insurance market infrastructure entities of Ukraine, 2011–2019
    • Table 3. Efficiency of insurance market infrastructure entities in Ukraine, 2019
    • Table A1. Validity of the model
    • Conceptualization
      Anzhela Ignatyuk, Antonina Sholoiko
    • Investigation
      Anzhela Ignatyuk
    • Project administration
      Anzhela Ignatyuk
    • Supervision
      Anzhela Ignatyuk
    • Data curation
      Antonina Sholoiko
    • Formal Analysis
      Antonina Sholoiko, Anastasiia Syzenko
    • Methodology
      Antonina Sholoiko
    • Visualization
      Anastasiia Syzenko
    • Writing – original draft
      Anastasiia Syzenko
    • Writing – review & editing
      Anastasiia Syzenko