Z-score vs minimum variance preselection methods for constructing small portfolios
Article InfoVolume 17 2020, Issue #1, pp. 64-76
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Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
Several contributions in the literature argue that a significant in-sample risk reduction can be obtained by investing in a relatively small number of assets in an investment universe. Furthermore, selecting small portfolios seems to yield good out-of-sample performances in practice. This analysis provides further evidence that an appropriate preselection of the assets in a market can lead to an improvement in portfolio performance. For preselection, this paper investigates the effectiveness of a minimum variance approach and that of an innovative index (the new Altman Z-score) based on the creditworthiness of the companies. Different classes of portfolio models are examined on real-world data by applying both the minimum variance and the Z-score preselection methods. Preliminary results indicate that the new Altman Z-score preselection provides encouraging out-of-sample performances with respect to those obtained with the minimum variance approach.
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)C61, C63, G11
- Figure 1. Ten preselected assets for each rebalancing date using Z-score preselection method
- Figure 2. Ten preselected assets for each rebalancing date using the minimum variance preselection method
- Figure 3. Out-of-sample compounded return for all models without preselection
- Figure 4. Out-of-sample compounded return for all models using minimum variance preselection
- Figure 5. Out-of-sample compounded return for all models using Z-score preselection
- Table 1. List of portfolio strategies
- Table 2. List of 31 assets belonging to the investment universe considered
- Table 3. Out-of-sample results without preselection
- Table 4. Out-of-sample results using the minimum variance preselection
- Table 5. Out-of-sample results using Z-score preselection
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