Modeling of structural and temporal characteristics in the corporate securities market of Ukraine
Article InfoVolume 16 2019, Issue #2, pp. 260-269
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The development of the corporate securities market and the effective use of tools for its regulation cannot be achieved without models and methods of economic and mathematical modeling. The aim is to analyze and systematize the structural and temporal characteristics of the corporate securities market in Ukraine by applying economic and mathematical modeling methods. In the paper, linear interpolation is used to assess the temporal characteristics of corporate securities under market uncertainty. Descriptive and simulation modeling methods are also applied to carry out a formal description of the process of evaluating the structural characteristics of securities. The result of the study involves developing a descriptive model to analyze the structural and temporal characteristics of the Ukrainian corporate securities market. The approbation of the proposed model makes it possible to draw the following conclusions. First, Perspektiva Stock Exchange, Ukrainian Exchange and PFTS – the First Stock Trading System, are the most important trading platforms. They are determined by the monthly bidding dynamics and can belong to the same group – active players in the corporate securities market of Ukraine. Second, in terms of endogenous priorities, the development of the corporate securities market is mostly influenced by inflation rates (consumer price index), economic development indicators (key branches production index) and interest rates on alternative financial instruments (new deposit interest rates of deposit-taking corporations). Third, the rate of corporate securities issue and the native currency rate do not significantly affect the corporate securities market development, in particular, the former is characterized by a slight negative impact, and the latter – by a slight positive impact on the price dynamics.
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)G11, G32
- Figure 1. Modeling of structural and temporal characteristics in the corporate securities market
- Figure 2. Causal relationships of the descriptive model of the Ukrainian CS market functioning
- Figure 3. Causal relationships of the descriptive model of the Ukrainian CSs market functioning
- Table 1. Correlation matrix of key indicators of the Ukrainian CSs market development
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