The development of the insurance market of Ukraine amid the global trends in insurance
Article InfoVolume 14 2017, Issue #1 (cont.), pp. 211-216
- Cited by
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Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License
The insurance market of Ukraine is a part of the global economic environment, which brings together national insurance markets around the world. The paper studies the functioning of the insurance market of Ukraine taking into account the latest trends in the world economy. It notes an extremely small volume of premiums, insufficient coverage of the population and business entities. It is emphasized that the main attention of the experts of the insurance market of Ukraine is focused on its reaction to the annexation of the Crimea and the military conflict in Donbas. It identifies trends, conditions and development factors of the Ukrainian insurance market, as well as its prospects and the role of Ukraine on the global insurance market.
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)G22, G01, G28
- Table 1. Life and non-life insurance premiums, 2014 (Direct premiums written, U.S. $ millions)
- Table 2. Gross domestic product by country, 2014
- Table 3. Real growth of direct premiums written in non-life insurance
- Table 4. In-force real premium income growth for life insurance
- Table 5. Real growth of non-life reinsurance premiums
- Table 6. Basic indicators of the development of the insurance market in Ukraine, UAH
- Table 7. Concentration of the insurance market in Ukraine in 2015
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