New evidence of short-run underpricing in Australian IPOs

  • Published June 3, 2016
  • Author(s)
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  • Article Info
    Volume 13 2016, Issue #2, pp. 99-108
  • Cited by
    5 articles

The short-run market performance of initial public offerings (IPOs) indicates that the prices are often underpriced. This is widely accepted as a universal phenomenon. To find out whether Australian IPOs are underpriced, this paper analyzes the short-run market performance of 254 IPOs by industry, listing year and issue year. To measure the performance, the first-day returns are divided into the opening price primary market and the closing price secondary market, and the post-listing returns are also examined.
The study found that, overall, Australian IPOs were underpriced by 25.47% based on abnormal returns and 26.43% on raw returns on the first-day primary market, which was statistically significant at the 1% level. However, analysis of the secondary market indicates that the Australian IPOs were overpriced by 1.55% and 1.54% on abnormal and raw returns, respectively, which was statistically significant at the 5% level. The examination of post-listing returns shows that Australian IPOs were underpriced based on cumulative abnormal returns (CARs) on the 3rd, 6th, and 10thdays by 24.63%, 24.06%, and 23.34%, respectively. The primary and post-listing analysis shows that IPOs in the industrial sector are more attractive to investors, whereas those in the chemical and materials sector are less attractive compared to other sectors. As far as the investors’ wealth is concerned, the study concludes that the short-run market performance analysis should consider both the first-day and post-listing returns

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