Understanding purchase motives to increase revenue growth: A study of nanostores in Indonesia
Article InfoVolume 17 2021, Issue #4, pp. 1-12
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Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
The occurrence of the Covid-19 pandemic has resulted in consumers being reluctant to go far to shop, so nanostores are a choice. There are thousands of nanostores in Indonesia. However, not all nanostores are in demand by consumers, some nanostores are abandoned because they cannot adapt to consumer needs. This study aims to find factors and dimensions of purchase motives that can be used to increase sales and revenue of nanostores. The study used an explanatory survey method. The survey was conducted on 210 nanostore consumers in the city of Bandung, Indonesia. The research data were analyzed using confirmatory factor analysis. The study results obtained three dimensions of consumer buying motives in nanostores: product attributes, self-orientation, and service guarantee. These are dimensions that consist of 12 factors and the majority of factors tend to be based on rationality or things related to healthy logic. To increase their revenue and growth, it is recommended that nanostore entrepreneurs understand consumer buying motives according to community conditions.
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)M21, M31, E26
- Figure 1. Involving purchase motives in nanostore
- Table 1. Measuring components and symbols
- Table 2. Sample characteristics of consumer purchase motives (N = 210)
- Table 3. Mean score for product attributes
- Table 4. Mean score for self-orientation
- Table 5. Mean score for service guarantees
- Table 6. Loading factor analysis
- Table 7. Model feasibility test index
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