The impact of packaging on consumer behavior in the private label market – the case of Slovak consumers under 25 years of age
Article InfoVolume 16 2020, Issue #3, pp. 62-73
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Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
Although there were many consumer behavior studies, their focus was on traditional brands. Despite that, their conclusions and recommendations can serve as a model for private label research. This paper aims to find out the influence of packaging on consumer purchasing decisions in the yoghurt segment. Attention was drawn to Slovak consumers under the age of 25 years. To achieve the aim, survey, structured questionnaire (549 randomly chosen respondents) and blind test (20 respondents) methods were used. For a deeper analysis, four hypotheses were set out and tested using statistical methods of Pearsons’ Chi-Square Test, Friedman test, Mantel-Haenszel Chi-Square Test, Phi Coefficient, Cramer’s V Coefficient and correspondence analysis. The results proved that almost 58% of respondents bought private labels sporadically, over 20% of respondents bought them multiple times a week, and over 18% of respondents bought them once a week. In terms of perceived quality, it can be said that quality of private label products is perceived as good and adequate, they evoke impression of adequate quality at a reasonable price, the decisive factor for their purchase is a combination of reasonable price and quality, and the reasons not to buy are high price, low quality and lack of information about the producer. Regarding the impact of packaging on respondents’ purchasing decisions, it is found that less than 34% of respondents believe that packaging of private label products is unattractive, and up to 33% of respondents think that packaging does not affect them.
The paper was supported by the research project GA SUA No. 8/2019 “Private labels as the alternative to purchase”, which is solved at the Department of Marketing and Trade, Faculty of Economics and Management, Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra.
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)M31, M39
- Figure 1. Correspondence analysis
- Figure 2. Blind test results
- Table 1. Characteristics of respondents
- Table 2. Examined chocolate yoghurts and their designations
- Table 3. Friedman test results
- Table 4. Dependence between the quality rating of private labels and the gender of respondents
- Table 5. Dependence between the decisive factor in the purchase of private labels and the gender of respondents
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