Methodological framework for integrated business structures branding development in Ukraine
Article InfoVolume 15 2019, Issue #2, pp. 14-29
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Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
The integrated business structures performance is underpinned by a wide range of external and internal factors that from a business unit perspective may have positive or negative implications for brand building. Moreover, in the context of business integration, the interaction among individual business units is of paramount importance that dramatically affects the performance of the entire business structure. The research objective is to provide a methodological framework for branding development through the calculation of integrated complementary and synergistic effects indicators, based on their compliance with the criteria of congruence and compatibility within architectonic elements of integrated business structures. The methodological toolkit design to estimate the integrated indices for complementary and synergistic effects involves the following stages: building a set of partial indicators for assessing complementary and synergetic effects, developing an algorithm to calculate an integrated index for complementary effect from internal and external brand interactions within integrated business structures (IBS), developing an algorithm to calculate an integrated index for a synergetic effect from brand integration within a business structure, individual business unit brand classification by different complementary and synergistic effects manifestations.
The proposed methodological approach contributes to facilitating brand integration in mergers and acquisitions, as well as enhancing the allocation effectiveness of portfolio roles of integrated business structure brands in product offering in the integration framework.
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)M31, L22
- Figure 1. Methodological approach to integrated business structure branding development
- Figure 2. Integrated indices for complementary effect
- Figure 3. The results of Fozzy Group hierarchical brand clustering
- Table 1. A structure of factors and indicators that have significant influence on complementary effect from internal and external interactions
- Table 2. Complementary effect index values for Fozzy Group business units
- Table 3. The results of integrated indices calculation in the framework of estimate parameters assessment for the components of synergetic effect from brand integration
- Table 4. Integrated indices of complementary and synergistic effects for Fozzy Group business units
- Table 5. Variance analysis results from brand clustering within Fozzy Group business units
- Table 6. Cluster-based brand distribution within Fozzy Group business units
- Table 7. Brand classification matrix for the Fozzy Group business units, subject to the level of complementary and synergistic effects
- Table 8. Portfolio role-based brand classification matrix by manifestations of the complementary and synergistic effects
- Table A1. A set of partial indicators to assess the complementary effect from brand integration in a business structure
- Table B1. A framework for parameters estimation for the components of synergetic effect from brand integration within an integrated business structure
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