Global support at the click of a button: How digital remittances help Ukraine during crises


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In recent years, Ukraine has faced two major crises: the COVID-19 pandemic and Russia’s military invasion of Ukraine. Digitalization allowed the extension of financial inclusiveness for the recipients and building financial resilience through remittances. They became one of the most important sources of survival for vulnerable populations. The aim of the paper is to examine how remittances can help Ukraine during the crises. The main research methods are descriptive statistical analyses to examine remittance trends and patterns. The data were taken from the open sources of the National Bank of Ukraine, Statista, the European Commission, Migration Data Portal, World Bank, and CoinLaw. The results showed that the share of informal remittance channels, although present, tends to decrease compared with the official ones. Poland is the main supplier of money in Ukraine. The average transaction value has also decreased from USD 3,540 thousand in 2017 to USD 1,750 thousand by 2024, which is due to the increase in the number of platforms that allow small transfers. It also pushed the increasing numbers of users of digital remittance platforms from 1,500 thousand in 2019 to 2,700 thousand in 2024. It confirmed that remittances for Ukrainians during crises are one of the sources for survival and potentially for recovery. The study can be useful during the development of different programs of livelihood support and recovery of Ukraine by engaging the Ukrainian diaspora.

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    • Figure 1. Dynamics of total remittance volumes and distribution by channels (2018–2023)
    • Figure 2. Changing percentage contributions of the top remittance source regions to Ukraine over the years (2014–2024)
    • Figure 3. Trends in average transaction value and user numbers (2017–2028)
    • Figure 4. Market share distribution of key players (2021 vs. 2023)
    • Conceptualization
      Yevheniia Polishchuk
    • Investigation
      Yevheniia Polishchuk, Yana Valko, Olena Shuplat
    • Methodology
      Yevheniia Polishchuk, Yurii Vasylyshen
    • Project administration
      Yevheniia Polishchuk
    • Supervision
      Yevheniia Polishchuk
    • Writing – review & editing
      Yevheniia Polishchuk
    • Data curation
      Yana Valko
    • Formal Analysis
      Yana Valko, Olena Shuplat, Yurii Vasylyshen
    • Validation
      Yana Valko
    • Visualization
      Yana Valko
    • Writing – original draft
      Yana Valko, Olena Shuplat, Yurii Vasylyshen
    • Resources
      Olena Shuplat, Yurii Vasylyshen