Assessing payment for ecosystem services to improve lake water quality using the InVEST model


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Payment for ecosystem services is a conservation strategy designed to offer farmers financial incentives for managing land to provide ecological benefits without disturbing livelihoods. However, the distribution of spatial financial feasibility is challenging when implementing this strategy on watershed scale. This study aimed to develop payment for ecosystem services model to improve quality in lake water catchment. The model estimated incentive values based on the costs of farmers’ losses, water yields, and pollution loads. The potential loss was calculated by determining the income of farmers in lake water catchment spent on land conversion from intensive agriculture to agroforestry. Integrated Valuation of Ecosystem Services and Tradeoffs (InVEST) modeling tool was used to calculate water yield and pollution load. The model was tested with case study approach at Lake Rawa Pening in Indonesia, consisting of nine sub-basins and 75 village administrations. The results showed that the reference compensation for farmers was 1,255.97 USD/ha/year. Considering the spatial distribution of water yields, the incentive for each village varied widely from 891.54 USD/ha/year to 1,557.06 USD/ha/year, even within the same sub-basin. Ten villages had an incentive above 1,450.00 USD/ha/year. However, considering the water pollution load, 26 villages had an incentive above 1,450.00 USD/ha/year with a maximum of 2,024.17 USD/ha/year. Therefore, village boundary should be an analysis unit for determining spatial incentive feasibility rather than a sub-basin boundary. Moreover, the level of water pollution load can become an additional variable to justify the amount of incentives received by farmers.

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    • Figure 1. Lake Rawa Pening basin
    • Figure 2. Workflow of MPES model
    • Figure 3. Spatial distribution of the result of the InVEST model
    • Figure 4. Spatial distribution of ES AWC and TC
    • Figure 5. Spatial distribution of PES value
    • Figure A1. Input data for InVEST model
    • Table A1. Reference evapotranspiration station
    • Table B1. Description of PAWC value
    • Table C1. Average annual precipitation in the Rawa Pening basin
    • Table D1. Biophysical table
    • Table E1. Biophysical table of InVEST model for NDR
    • Table F1. Potential loss of farmer’s income
    • Table G1. Data of observed water discharge
    • Table G2. Data of estimated water yield
    • Table G3. A comparison of estimated water yield and observed water yield
    • Table H1. Data on observed water quality
    • Table H2. Estimated data of the InVEST model
    • Table H3. Comparison of estimated and observed TP in Lake Rawa Pening
    • Table J1. Distribution of PES value of each village in LWC of Rawa Pening
    • Conceptualization
      Supriyanto Supriyanto, Dwi Nowo Martono
    • Data curation
      Supriyanto Supriyanto, Hayati Sari Hasibuan, Djoko Mulyo Hartono
    • Formal Analysis
      Supriyanto Supriyanto, Hayati Sari Hasibuan, Djoko Mulyo Hartono
    • Investigation
      Supriyanto Supriyanto, Dwi Nowo Martono, Djoko Mulyo Hartono
    • Methodology
      Supriyanto Supriyanto, Hayati Sari Hasibuan
    • Project administration
      Supriyanto Supriyanto
    • Visualization
      Supriyanto Supriyanto, Hayati Sari Hasibuan
    • Writing – original draft
      Supriyanto Supriyanto
    • Writing – review & editing
      Supriyanto Supriyanto, Dwi Nowo Martono, Hayati Sari Hasibuan, Djoko Mulyo Hartono
    • Software
      Dwi Nowo Martono, Hayati Sari Hasibuan
    • Supervision
      Dwi Nowo Martono, Djoko Mulyo Hartono
    • Validation
      Dwi Nowo Martono, Djoko Mulyo Hartono