Regulations of noise pollution emitted by revival churches and the well-being of neighboring populations in Cameroon
Article InfoVolume 11 2020, Issue #1, pp. 82-95
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The noise pollution is negative externalities having harmful effects on the individual’s well-being. This paper examines the effect of noise pollution regulations emitted by revival churches (RC) on surrounding populations’ well-being. The analysis focuses on a field survey sample of 726 individuals not belonging to RC and residing in the towns of Yaoundé and Douala, Cameroon. Drawing inspirations from the theoretical and empirical literature, the econometric results obtained with the nested logit model reveal that setting up a control plan against noise pollution produced by RC allows an increase in individuals’ well-being not belonging to RC. These surrounding populations are ready to pay USD 0.889 for the “the regulation of church service opening hours,” USD 0.831 for “the building of sound-proof places of worship,” and USD 0.466 for “the sensitization of RC’s officials on the bad effects of the noise pollution they produce.” To reduce noise pollution, public authorities must not close the places of worship belonging to RCs.
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)C25, D62, H00, R38, Z12
- Table 1. Description of noise pollution regulatory instruments
- Table 2. Example of choice of profile card
- Table 3. Specified tree structure of the nested logit model: case of noise pollution regulation
- Table 4. Elements of descriptive statistics
- Table 5. Results of the estimation of the nested logit model
- Table 6. Willingness to pay
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