Critical assessment of Public Transportation System (PTS) and its implication on environmental economics through service delivery
Article InfoVolume 7 2016, Issue #4, pp. 34-47
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The ever-increasing traffic congestion echelons and the subsequent undesirable air quality in several metropolitan areas have raised the need for a successful public transportation system to ease the dependence on the private automobiles. Also the environmental economics is becoming more and more appealing taking into consideration different activities that have economic impact. One of such activities is public transportation. In the current scenario of globalization, public transportation services and systems need to perform introspective contemplation towards the quality of services offered (Michel, 2011). The research adopted a quantitative method of inquiry, therefore, a Survey Research Strategy was considered in order to provide a quantitative or numeric description of trends, attitudes, or opinions of a population by studying a sample of that population. It includes cross-sectional and longitudinal studies using questionnaires or structured interviews for data collection, with the intent of generalizing from a sample to a population (Babbie, 2010). In this context, this research study anticipated to critically evaluate the customers’ perception of the public transportation system and its impacts on service delivery: a case study of Busan Metropolitan City, Korea Republic. This paper is divided into five major sections.
Keywords: environmental economics, public transportation system, customer perceptions, managerial perspective, customers.
JEL Classification: Q50,Q56, R11, P43