Evaluation and analysis of factors influencing the financial sustainability of engineering enterprises

  • Received September 2, 2019;
    Accepted September 17, 2019;
    Published December 6, 2019
  • Author(s)
  • DOI
  • Article Info
    Volume 18 2019, Issue #3, pp. 1-11
  • Cited by
    1 articles

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Financial sustainability is one of the most important characteristics of an enterprise's financial position. It determines the level of the company independence from external entities and sources of financing, and, in turn, is conditioned by a set of multifaceted factors. In the case of negative influence of the external environment, engineering enterprises require research and selection of factors of influence on financial sustainability, which are formed in the internal environment of their functioning. The content analysis of definitions of the "financial stability of an enterprise" concept is carried out. Given the analysis results, the key informative characteristics of the enterprises are emphasized, such as state and structure of financial resources, solvency and profitability of the enterprise. In the context of selected areas and based on comparative analysis of literature sources and methods recommended at the state level for assessing the enterprise financial status, the study has formed a list of coefficients, the calculation and analysis of which is appropriate in evaluating assessment of financial enterprises. Using regression analysis, the study has revealed factors that most significantly influence the level of financial sustainability of engineering enterprises. It is established that the level of financial stability of the mechanical engineering industry enterprises in Kharkiv region is mainly influenced by the level of security of current liabilities of enterprises with financial current assets, the ability of enterprise assets to generate net profit and the share of equity in the financing sources structure. Therefore, to ensure the financial sustainability of engineering companies, management should take measures to ensure that they have a sufficient level of financial assets to cover their current liabilities and to optimize financial results in the context of increased net profit.

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    • Figure 1. Формування системи показників оцінювання фінансової стійкості підприємства
    • Figure 2. Результат побудови кореляційно–регресійної моделі
    • Figure 3. Графік залишків побудованої моделі
    • Table 1. Контент-аналіз визначень поняття “фінансова стійкість підприємства”
    • Table 2. Аналіз частоти використання фінансових коефіцієнтів
    • Table 3. Вихідні дані для побудови регресійної моделі впливу факторів на фінансову стійкість підприємств машинобудування