Innovative character of modernization of managerial information system of the enterprise
Article InfoVolume 17 2018, Issue #3, pp. 42-49
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Important scientific and practical task concerning identifying the trends of innovation development of the managerial information system of the enterprise is solved and presenting of new concept modernization of managerial information system of the enterprise is done. The development of the managerial information system of the enterprise is described by the influence of innovative changes on processes with managerial information. This is carried out in accordance with the conditions and factors of the enterprise development with the organization of parameters of influence and the development of necessary measures to avoid disintegration of information processing processes, thus increasing the efficiency of information to exercise a guiding influence on processes of management. The concept of achieving information equilibrium in the process of making managerial decisions is substantiated that characterizes a more qualitative level of information provision of decision-making. The methodical principles of organization of the informational basis for the formation of variants of managerial decisions are developed, the effectiveness of which is determined by qualitative and quantitative parameters of managerial information. Information provision of managing an enterprise is formed through the architecture, which includes processes and schemes of organization, structuring, formalization, maintenance and information movement in the managerial system and beyond.
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)O30
- Figure 1. Achievement of information equilibrium in the process of making managerial decisions
- Figure.2. Information basis of the formation of variants of managerial decisions
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