Algorithm of activation export on the example of machine-building enterprises of the Kharkiv region


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Estimation of export potential is a basis for development and adoption of managerial decisions in the management of an enterprise export activity development, which is one of the perspective direc¬tions of foreign policy of Ukraine. Due to this the purpose of the paper is to justify the methodology of evaluating the export potential of an enterprise based on the key indicators of its export activity development, taking into account the results obtained, to formulate general directions of intensifi¬cation of exports of machine-building enterprises. The object is to assess the export potential of an enterprise and make managerial decisions to enhance its export activity. In order to determine the indicators that should be used in evaluating the export potential of an enterprise, the method of ex¬pert evaluation of T. Saati, based on the system of pairwise comparisons of certain characteristics by the levels of the hierarchy, is used. The list of indicators that were evaluated by experts was formed on the basis of the theoretical synthesis of the scientific papers. These include indicators of produc¬tion, financial, investment, innovation and direct export business. The indicators obtained through export analysis were used to calculate the integral indicator of export potential development for the enterprises of the machine-building industry. As a result, the level of export potential of the studied machine-building enterprises is determined, the general directions of activation of their export activ¬ity are offered.

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    • Figure 1. Ukrainian export dynamic
    • Figure 2. Dynamics of exports by products
    • Figure 3. Volume of sold products by types of economic activity in Kharkiv region
    • Figure 4. Model of hierarchy of prioritization of indicators for an enterprise’s export potential assessment
    • Figure 5. Structural and functional model of the process “Estimation of export potential of an enterprise”
    • Table 1. The relative importance of the criteria for determining the priority of indicators in assessing the export potential of an enterprise
    • Table 2. Priority of indicators of evaluation of the export potential of an enterprise
    • Table 3. Matrix of standardized values
    • Table 4. The value of the integral indicator of the development of export potential for the enterprises of the machine-building industry of the Kharkiv region in 2013-2017
    • Conceptualization
      Volodymyr Vovk
    • Data curation
      Volodymyr Vovk, Oksana Mazorenko
    • Methodology
      Volodymyr Vovk, Olena Havrylchenko
    • Supervision
      Volodymyr Vovk
    • Visualization
      Volodymyr Vovk, Oksana Mazorenko
    • Writing – original draft
      Volodymyr Vovk
    • Formal Analysis
      Olena Havrylchenko
    • Resources
      Olena Havrylchenko
    • Software
      Olena Havrylchenko
    • Validation
      Olena Havrylchenko
    • Writing – review & editing
      Olena Havrylchenko, Oksana Mazorenko
    • Investigation
      Oksana Mazorenko
    • Project administration
      Oksana Mazorenko