The essence and features of the competency-based approach to strategic enterprise management
Article InfoVolume 18 2020, Issue #4, pp. 30-40
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Increasing the role of an employee as a determining factor in the economic growth of an enterprise makes managers change the philosophy of management, directing it towards the realization of employees’ unique abilities. The effective implementation of the strategic direction of action depends on the knowledge, skills and personal characteristics of specialists, i.e. competencies that are a source of competitive advantage and a strategic factor in the enterprise development. In this regard, it is necessary to study the competency-based approach features in order to identify the opportunities for application in the strategic management of an enterprise. The purpose of the study is to clarify the essence of the competency-based approach and substantiate the need for its application in strategic management. The object of the study is the process of strategic enterprise management. The following methods were used: abstract-logical, analysis and synthesis – to clarify the essence of the competency-based approach; formation of conclusions; and graphical technique – to visualize the results. The views on the essence of the competency-based approach are analyzed and the lack of research on its importance for ensuring effective strategic management at different levels is noted. Taking into account the transformation of the essence of strategic enterprise management and the significant dependence of its effectiveness on professional competence of strategic decision developers and executors of their decisions, the essence of the competence-based approach is specified. It provides for the involvement of specialists with the necessary knowledge, skills, ability to objectively perceive information, use experience and intuition in determining promising areas of action, and take responsibility for decisions to achieve strategic goals for the implementation of the stages of strategic analysis and strategic selection. This will allow managers to involve employees in the process of making strategic decisions, focusing not only on their job positions, but primarily on the availability of a set of competencies necessary for strategic management and the appropriate level of their manifestation in professional behavior. A likely result can be a reduction in the time for the implementation of the relevant stages of strategic management and an increase in the likelihood of achieving strategic goals due to a correctly chosen strategy of future actions.
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)M10, M14, M21, M51
- Figure 1. Сутність компетентнісного підходу до стратегічного управління підприємством
- Table 1. Наукові підходи до трактування сутності компетентнісного підходу
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