Optimization of labor cost standards in IT companies
Article InfoVolume 18 2020, Issue #1, pp. 1-10
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Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
The article systematizes and analyzes the list of resources for IT companies. A causality diagram between model variables by the software product complexity was built on the basis of dependencies between the time and the number of specialists involved in the development of software products, as well as company performance indicators. The nature of causal relationships between the model variables in terms of the software product labor intensity is presented. Using the VenSim simulation system, a simulation model for determining optimal labor standards for IT companies was built. The results of evaluating the adequacy of the model for determining optimal labor standards are presented. The optimal labor standards by labor intensity levels are determined, at which the efficiency of using the technical, technological, information, labor, and financial resources of the company increases and the profitability of activities for IT companies is maximized. A methodological approach has been presented, which outlines the cost standards of innovative labor of IT companies’ specialists. The developed approach is aimed at determining the time and number of an IT company specialists who, due to the impact on the efficiency of using information, technical, labor and financial resources, provide the necessary level of profitability of the IT companies’ activities. The advantages of the developed methodological approach to rationing labor costs in IT companies are presented.
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)С63, J8
- Figure 1. Схема причинно-наслідкових зв’язків між змінними моделі визначення оптимальних нормативів праці за рівнями трудомісткості на підприємства ІТ-галузі
- Figure 2. Імітаційна модель визначення оптимальних нормативів праці для ІТ-компаній
- Figure 3. Структурно-логічна схема методичного підходу до обґрунтування нормативів витрат інноваційної праці фахівців ІТ-галузі
- Table 1. Показники адекватності моделі визначення оптимальних нормативів праці для ІТ-компаній
- Table 2. Значення оптимальних нормативів праці за рівнями трудомісткості для ІТ-компаній
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