Evaluating key financials of public versus private sector banks in India: An investment perspective
Article InfoVolume 19 2024, Issue #4, pp. 274-287
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Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
India’s banking sector, with its mix of public and private banks, presents diverse opportunities from an investment perspective. The relative performance of public and private sector banks is a crucial consideration when optimizing investment allocation strategies. Much academic debate has centered around the comparative performance of the public versus private sector, with conflicting findings. This study aims to analyze the financial performance of public versus private banks in India from a comparative investment perspective. To analyze the financial performance of public and private banks in India from an investment perspective, the Net Interest Margin ratio, Gross Non-Performing asset ratio, Net Non-Performing asset ratio, Current Account Savings Account (CASA) ratio, and total deposit over ten years from 2014–2023 are employed. The findings of the study state that the Net Interest Margin range of private sector banks extends from 6.06% to 2.76%, while the range of public banks begins at 2.66% and goes as low as 2.06%. The gross and net non-performing asset ratios witness higher consistency in asset quality and better risk management in the private sector. However, public sector banks, led by the State Bank of India, maintain dominance in total deposits. While both sectors perform on par in the Current Account Savings Account ratio analysis, the hold of the public sector, especially the State Bank of India, in terms of total deposits, is indisputable. The study concludes that private sector banks demonstrate superior efficiency to public sector banks in India, particularly in profitability, risk management, and asset quality.
The authors acknowledge everyone who contributed to the study, particularly Goa Business School and Goa University.
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)G21, G11
- Figure 1. 10-year average of NIM for private and public sector banks in India
- Figure 2. 10-year average of Gross Non-Performing Assets (GNPA) for private and public sector banks in India
- Figure 3. 10-year average of Net Non-Performing Assets (NNPA) for private and public sector banks in India
- Figure 4. 10-year average of CASA ratio for private and public sector banks in India
- Figure 5. 10-year average of total deposits for private and public sector banks in India
- Table 1. List of public sector banks and private sector banks chosen for the study
- Table 2. 10-year average net interest margin (%) and group rankings for public and private sector banks in India
- Table 3. ANOVA: Single factor of NIM (%) for private and public sector banks in India
- Table 4. 10-year average gross NPA (%) and group rankings for public and private sector banks in India
- Table 5. ANOVA: Single factor of gross NPA (%) for private and public sector banks in India
- Table 6. 10-year average net NPA (%) and group rankings for public and private sector banks in India
- Table 7. ANOVA: Single factor of net NPA (%) for private and public sector banks in India
- Table 8. 10-year average CASA ratio and group rankings for public and private sector banks in India
- Table 9. ANOVA: Single factor of CASA ratio for private and public sector banks in India
- Table 10. 10-year average total deposits (cr) and group rankings for public and private sector banks in India
- Table 11. ANOVA: Single factor of total deposits (cr.) for private and public sector banks in India
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