Enhancing employee retention in banks: Analyzing the role of talent management, career development, and bank culture
Article InfoVolume 19 2024, Issue #4, pp. 96-111
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Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
This study aims to investigate how talent management practices, career development, and organizational culture influence employee retention in Jordan’s banking sector. Given the competitive nature of the financial industry, the need to retain talent is critical for organizations. Questionnaires were distributed to 257 full-time employees of various commercial banks in Jordan who have been with their organizations for at least a year, based on this quantitative study. The study made an effort to ensure the sample was both diverse and stable. The study included respondents from various departments, levels, and sizes of banking companies in the sample to enhance its validity. These criteria were designed to include participants who have worked in the organization for a longer period, enabling them to understand the impact of talent management practices and organizational culture. The results reflect that effective talent management practices boost employee retention. The study further attested that career development opportunities and an organizational culture are important moderating factors to strengthen the relationship. According to the research findings, an organization should implement a fully realized approach to talent management with career development and embrace an organizational culture that enhances employee retention.
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)G21, J24, M12, O15
- Table 1. Distribution of employees and sample sizes across Jordanian commercial banks
- Table 2. Demographics results
- Table 3. Measurement model assessment
- Table 4. Discriminant validity by HTMT
- Table 5. Hypotheses testing
- Table 6. Testing of the moderating effect
- Table A1. Study questionnaire
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