Improving customer relations in the banking sector of Ukraine through the development of priority digital banking products and services: Evidence from Poland
Article InfoVolume 17 2022, Issue #3, pp. 12-26
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Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
The emergence of new players – fintech companies, neobanks and non-banking companies – changes the structure of competition in the banking sector, reduces the profitability of traditional banking activities, and therefore forces banks to look for new sources of income. The paper deals with the issue of improving relations with clients in the banking sector of Ukraine, which is proposed to be implemented through the development of priority digital banking products and services. The study used a survey method using a statistical apparatus of a small unique sample, the degree of representativeness of which was assessed using the Student’s test. Slightly higher, closer to the level that characterizes the significant impact on the client’s perception of the whole complex of digital activities in the case of Polish banks (3.81, with a maximum possible score of 5.0) than Ukrainian banks (3.75), which indicates greater involvement and willingness to accept the digitalization of the people of Poland. Generally, banks in both countries are recommended to use a customer-oriented approach in forming product policy using digital products and services, which should be implemented and developed in practice in specific areas identified during customer surveys.
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)G21, M15, O33
- Figure 1. Share of bank customers using certain banking channels
- Figure 2. Dynamics of the number of users of mobile banking services in Poland in 2016–2020
- Figure 3. The impact of effective interaction between the bank and customers on specific areas of digital activity of Ukrainian banks
- Figure 4. The impact of effective interaction between the bank and customers on specific areas of digital activity of Polish banks
- Figure 5. Priority areas for improving the efficiency of digitalization of customer relations in the Ukrainian banking sector (compared to the Polish experience and development priorities)
- Table 1. Number of users of mobile banking services in Poland in 2016–2020
- Table 2. The results of assessing the impact of effective interaction between the bank and customers on specific areas of digital activity of Ukrainian banks
- Table 3. The results of assessing the impact of effective interaction between the bank and customers on specific areas of digital activity of Polish banks
- Table A1. Questionnaire form for surveying respondents to assess the impact of effective interaction between a bank and customers concerning specific digital products and services of banks in Ukraine and Poland
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