Prerequisites for the creation of financial and credit infrastructure of support for agricultural enterprises in Ukraine
Article InfoVolume 14 2019, Issue #2, pp. 63-75
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Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
The study analyzed and summarized publications on the nature of the formation of financial and credit infrastructure, which is created in order to support agricultural enterprises. The functioning and development of financial and credit infrastructure as a factor of social and economic development of the country is explored. The features of diversification of financing sources of agricultural enterprises are determined. The role of bank lending to agricultural enterprises in Ukraine is investigated. The model of interaction of participants of the financial and credit infrastructure of support for agricultural enterprises through the formation of the certain conditions is proposed. It is proved that such measures will provide increase in the efficient use of available agro-resource potential and reopen the industry attractiveness for investing companies.
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)G21, G23, G24, Q13, Q14
- Figure 1. Essential characteristic of the concept of financial and credit infrastructure of agricultural enterprises
- Figure 2. The institutional functioning mechanism of the financial and credit infrastructure of support for agricultural enterprises
- Figure 3. Model of functioning of financial and credit infrastructure of support for agricultural enterprises
- Table 1. Loans issued to non-financial corporations, by types of economic activity and maturities (balances at the end of 2018)
- Table 2. Conditions of the main credit programs of Ukrainian banks for agricultural enterprises, at the end of 2018
- Table 3. Expected amount of loans attracted by agricultural enterprises for the period up to the year 2020 (UAH billion)
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