Actual situation of computer crime in the credit and financial sphere of Ukraine (modern aspects)
Article InfoVolume 14 2019, Issue #1, pp. 172-180
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The purpose of the article is to study computer crimes in the credit and financial sphere based on elements of forensic characteristics of crimes and analysis of the ways of their commission. The relevance of the study is due to the rapid increase in the number of computer crimes in the credit and financial sphere and the low level of their disclosure. The research was conducted using the method of system analysis and synthesis of information obtained from criminal proceedings, as well as reports from the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine and the National Police of Ukraine, from 2014 to 2018. The most actual motives and methods of committing computer crimes in the financial sphere have been analyzed and it has been established that during the period of Ukraine’s independence, the level of economic crimes has increased by almost 300%. The increase in the number of crimes contributes to the distrust of the injured party to the law enforcement agencies, savings of funds of financial institutions on cyber security, low level of information security of the financial sphere of Ukraine, lack of clear coordination between the relevant departments, which are responsible for the investigation of these crimes. The necessity of conducting separate investigative actions at the initial stage of the investigation has been justified in order to facilitate the rapid identification of the suspect, causing material damage and, in general, the investigation process.
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)G21, G23, K13, K14
- Figure 1. Information about the identity of the offender by age and gender
- Figure 2. Information about the actors of computer crimes
- Figure 3. Information about the motives for committing computer crimes
- Figure 4. Information about the method of committing crimes related to theft of funds
- Figure 5. Information about the victim’s side of computer crimes
- Figure 6. Ways of detecting the fact of committing computer crimes
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