Research and methodological framework for managing the economic security of financial intermediaries in Ukraine

  • Received November 7, 2018;
    Accepted December 18, 2018;
    Published December 21, 2018
  • Author(s)
  • DOI
  • Article Info
    Volume 13 2018, Issue #4, pp. 119-130
  • Cited by
    6 articles

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The effective management of economic security of financial and banking institutions at the application level is not possible without formulating the conceptual foundations of this process in the research and methodological plane. With that, the management system should take into account the specifics of financial intermediaries, which requires the development of specific research and methodological approaches. The purpose of the study is to generalize the conceptual framework for economic security management of banking and parabanking financial institutions as an integral part of ensuring the economic security of the financial market and financial security of the state. The authors propose an algorithm for managing the system of economic security of banks and other financial institutions, and identify the features, advantages and disadvantages of models for providing economic security. It is proved that managing the economic security system should consider the type of an institution, its size, the adequate personnel availability, and financial, information and material support. Consequently, effective economic security management should ensure its high level, and, therefore, partially solve the problem of regulating banking security, the financial market security, and, as a consequence, the financial security of the country.

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    • Figure 1. An expert survey results on the state of economic security management of financial intermediaries in Ukraine
    • Figure 2. Research and methodological framework for managing the economic security of financial institutions
    • Figure 3. Position of managing the economic security of financial intermediaries in the system of ensuring the country's financial security
    • Table 1. Number of financial intermediaries in Ukraine in 2008–2017 (as at the end of the year)
    • Table 2. Characteristics of models of economic security management of financial intermediaries
    • Table 3. Features of ensuring the economic security of financial intermediaries
    • Table 4. The framework for shaping a mechanism for managing economic security of financial intermediaries, taking into account the specifics of their activities