Customer banking rights awareness in Ghana
Article InfoVolume 13 2018, Issue #2, pp. 141-152
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The purpose of this paper is to investigate the determinants of customer banking right awareness regarding banking products and services in Ghana. A survey of 569 bank customers was conducted in Metropolitan Assemblies in Ghana, using a structured questionnaire with Likert-type questions. Customers were conveniently intercepted as they walked out of universal banks. Ordered probit estimation technique was used to test the research hypotheses. The study revealed that whilst bank variables (duration and number of visits) improve customers’ knowledge on bank products and services, demographic factors (age, marriage, income) enhance the level of awareness customers have with regards to bank products and services. The study also revealed that education reduces it in Ghana. Sources of information such as banking exhibitions and fairs, family and mass media improve customer banking right awareness, however, bank staff negatively affect awareness level. The study advises banks to pay particular attention to sources of information, especially bank staff, bank brochures, mass media, exhibitions and fairs. Also, age and income segment of customers should be considered when attempting to improve customer banking right awareness for satisfactory service delivery.
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)G21, D18
- Table 1. Descriptive statistics of variables in the model
- Table 2. Internal consistency of structures
- Table 3. Probability distribution of the categories of awareness extent
- Table 4. Point estimates of the parameters of ordered probit model
- Table 5. Marginal effects of factors affecting the extent of awareness regarding bank products and liaise services
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