Sania Khan
1 publications
0 books
Analysis of cultural values of young Saudi citizens towards segmentation of commercial advertisements
Advertisement, being one of the most effective marketing tools, induces customers to purchase their products and encourages them to behave in a certain way. This study focused on the relationship between demographic and cultural values of young Saudi Arabians. Primary data was collected from a total of 284 respondents from the Riyadh region using an online survey. The survey questionnaire was adopted from previous relevant studies and modified according to the objectives of the understudy by considering the cultural values apparent to Saudi citizens. The corresponding sub-items were also designed on a 5-point Likert scale. Based on the theoretical aspects presented in the literature, the hypotheses were formulated to find the substantial contributions of the sample data. The correlation using SPSS revealed that gender and marital status had no relation to the segmentation of advertisements, whereas other vital cultural factors such as religion, language, manners and customs, social institutions, aesthetics, and traditions demonstrated a strong linkage with segmenting firms’ advertisements. The study revealed important implications for international product advertisers and market communicators. It also provided several directions for future researchers.
An efficient human resource management system model using web-based hybrid technique
Problems and Perspectives in Management Volume 20, 2022 Issue #2 pp. 220-235
Views: 828 Downloads: 325 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯThe proliferation of international business activities drives organizations to expand their operations into new areas and propels human resource management (HRM) to ensure hiring and retaining competent personnel. Consequently, firms have been struggling to place qualified people in relevant roles and provide adequate training. This study utilized information technology to solve these challenges using a web-based system to interconnect the processes, receive the data from the job applicants via a web-based interface, and connect them with suitable employment. Firstly, the proposed model presented a hybrid technique of Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) with Long Short Term Memory (LSTM) Cloud Web-based Human Resource Management System (CLWHRMS) by recognizing distinct features and forecasts the candidate’s potential under various classification tasks. For this, the study used a set of various software tools for web pages and database designing, including for the alteration of images. The hybrid model was executed using real-time data of 250 resumes, which were collected through an online database to validate the overall performance of the developed web-based system in terms of its accuracy, sensitivity, and specificity. Though the specificity was the same with all the techniques, the results illustrated CNN-LSTM technique was 91% accurate and 90% sensitive compared to the traditional methods. This CNN-LSTM model automatically estimates the suitability of a job candidate and projects his/her workability contributing to Saudi Arabian firms to ease and enhance their recruitment process.
This project was supported by the Deanship of Scientific Research at Prince Sattam Bin Abdulaziz University, AlKharj, Saudi Arabia under the Specialized Research Grant program with Grant No-2021/02/18747. -
The nexus between emotional intelligence and academic performance
Knowledge and Performance Management Volume 6, 2022 Issue #1 pp. 38-48
Views: 793 Downloads: 179 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯThis paper attempts to understand how emotional intelligence (EI) can affect students’ academic performance by investigating the relationship between EI and student performance. A structured questionnaire comprising 25 questions was developed on a five-point Likert scale employing the five components of EI stated by Daniel Goleman. The five elements are self-analysis, self-control, self-motivation, empathy, and social skills. 350 MBA students from premier institutes in Warangal, India, were taken as a sample through a convenience sampling technique. Correlation analysis was performed amongst students’ EI and their cumulative grade point average (CGPA). The coefficient value obtained showed a minimal linear relationship between EI and student performance. For further analysis, students were segregated gender-wise, male and female, and then a correlation was performed. In the case of female students, a negative relationship is exhibited between EI and performance. In contrast, in the case of male students, a positive relationship is exhibited that is higher than the overall coefficient. Moreover, correlation is applied to each component separately to identify which of the five components has higher linear relationship. The findings concluded that self-control and empathy followed by self-motivation had linear relationship, especially in the case of male students. Finally, it was difficult to correlate the EI of female students with their performance.
Analyzing the career development barriers faced by rural women in India
Problems and Perspectives in Management Volume 20, 2022 Issue #1 pp. 143-152
Views: 807 Downloads: 458 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯIn India, one of the most populous countries in the world, women make up approximately half of the country’s population. While most of Indian women hold the highest educational degrees and enter the workforce almost in every sector, rural women are lagging behind in their career development. The study was aimed at investigating the factors that inhibit and challenge rural women to progress in their career development. The study was conducted in two folds of data collection. The first fold is qualitative data using interviews with 10 rural women and their analysis using thematic analysis, and the second fold is quantitative research and data collection from 148 rural women using a semi-structured survey questionnaire based on the identified themes and analyzed using SPSS. The findings of the study illustrated various barriers related to personal, social, family, economic, and infrastructure issues. Respondents spoke about several challenges they face with not having support to continue their higher studies. Eighty-five percent of rural women demonstrated they are suppressed in society due to gender stereotypes and are predominantly overburdened with family responsibilities. Furthermore, the study recommends significant implications for Indian women and the government from a global perspective.
Role of human resource policies in ensuring women’s safety in the workplace
Problems and Perspectives in Management Volume 21, 2023 Issue #1 pp. 13-23
Views: 959 Downloads: 813 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯThis paper aims to assess how human resource (HR) management policies affect women’s workplace safety. In addition, this study analyzes the degree to which measures have been taken to ensure that working women have a safe environment. Responses from 208 women working in Saudi Arabia’s small and medium-sized private businesses were gathered. The paper employed a survey questionnaire using snowball sampling technique. Thus, critical HR practices that have an impact on workplace safety for women are highlighted. As women frequently face these difficulties, the findings suggested that HR policies should tailor working women’s needs in maternity, health, transportation, childcare, and a safe workplace. Moreover, support for divorced and widowed workers would significantly increase women’s safety at work. Compared to other HR policies, there is a stronger correlation between medical and maternity leave. This paper supports research on women’s safety and HR management in the Saudi context and has significant practical implications for practitioners.
The author thanks all the respondents who participated and contributed by giving their valuable opinions and making this study possible. -
Enhancing and sustaining employee engagement through HRM practices: A study on Indian unicorn startups
Chanchal Dey, Sania Khan
, Srinivasan Iyer
, Zaleha Mohamad
, Ali Ahmed Khan
Problems and Perspectives in Management Volume 21, 2023 Issue #4 pp. 202-213
Views: 504 Downloads: 173 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯThis study focuses on human resource management (HRM) practices that encourage employee engagement. It aims to explore the relationship between HRM practices and employee engagement and also investigates the moderating role of employee gender between both variables. The study applied a cross-sectional research design alongside correlational and regression analysis to evaluate the responses of 410 employees working in unicorn startups based in Gurgaon, New Delhi, and Mumbai through the structured survey questionnaires. Regarding the respondents’ gender, the majority are male (70%), and female constitutes 30%. However, the study results demonstrated that no matter an employee’s age or gender, effective HRM practices have a strong positive correlation with employee engagement (β = 0.93; p < 0.001). The results of the regression model show that HRM practices have explained 87% of the variance in employee engagement, which indicates that most of the employee engagement level depends on the best HRM practices of the organization. The gender differences do not significantly moderate this relationship. The F value in ANOVA analysis showed the overall significance of the model. The findings illustrated that by improving skills and promoting employee engagement, individuals experience heightened satisfaction levels and assume greater responsibility for their assigned duties.
This study is supported via funding from Prince Sattam Bin Abdulaziz University project number (PSAU/2023/R/1445). -
Determinants affecting customer intention to use chatbots in the banking sector
Irfan Abdul Karim Shaikh, Sania Khan
, Shaha Faisal
Innovative Marketing Volume 19, 2023 Issue #4 pp. 257-268
Views: 806 Downloads: 400 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯThe study aims to analyze the factors that influence customers’ inclination to utilize chatbots in banking services. The paper employed the technology acceptance model and utilized structural equation modeling to examine the factors affecting consumers’ willingness to embrace chatbot services. The survey evaluated various determinants, including perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, trust, privacy concerns, and customer satisfaction. Data were collected from 250 bank customers in the Bombay region of India through an online survey employing a random sampling method. The collected data were analyzed using IBM SPSS AMOS. This study identifies the aspects of chatbot technology in the banking sector, such as user interface, content, security, and convenience, that influence customers’ decisions to adopt this innovative technology. The results of the analysis revealed path coefficients indicating a significant relationship between information security and perceived usefulness (β = 0.286; p = 0.005) and between perceived usefulness and intention to use (β = 0.489; p < 0.001). Additionally, the path coefficients for design, security, and facilitating conditions were β = 0.281, β = 0.193, and β = 0.136, respectively, all of which held nearly equal significance in the study. The inter-correlations among the variables ranged from 0.346 to 0.854 and were statistically significant. In the banking sector, customers’ intention to use chatbots is influenced by convenience, efficiency, trust, and personalized experiences. Customers are more likely to embrace chatbots when they provide seamless support and tailored solutions, ultimately enhancing customer satisfaction and engagement.
This study is supported via funding from Prince Sattam Bin Abdulaziz University project number (PSAU/2023/R/1445). -
Exploring the firm’s influential determinants pertinent to workplace innovation
Problems and Perspectives in Management Volume 19, 2021 Issue #1 pp. 272-280
Views: 990 Downloads: 412 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯSignificant changes in organizations with good human resources (HR) practices can transform the workplace to a great extent. Although there is a fair amount of research on workplace innovation, most firms even now act as barriers to personnel growth and workplace innovation. This study proposed to explore various influential factors of firms from a holistic perspective that affect workplace innovation by adopting the principal component analysis (PCA) method to reduce the dimensionalities and better emphasize firms’ development. The useful data were collected using a survey questionnaire from one hundred and ninety-five (195) respondents from different Indian organizations. Totally forty-six sub-factors were identified and developed into nine significant organizational factors influencing workplace improvement viz., organization culture and environment, innovation process, resources, organization structure, corporate strategy, employee, knowledge management, technology and management, and leadership. The study suggested that any firm must emphasize these core determinants at the workplace to motivate the employees towards innovation and organizations to be competitive in the industry. The study invites firm policymakers, HR managers, and top management to formulate the best organizational strategies to encourage an innovative culture in firms.
The author(s) of this study acknowledges all the respondents who contributed their quality opinion and made this study possible and helpful in contributing to the industry. -
Exploring the nexus of artificial intelligence in talent acquisition: Unravelling cost-benefit dynamics, seizing opportunities, and mitigating risks
Problems and Perspectives in Management Volume 22, 2024 Issue #1 pp. 462-476
Views: 515 Downloads: 237 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯThe rise in talent management complications led organizations to rely on the latest technologies to automate their routine HRM tasks through AI. This study proposed to examine fundamental aspects of AI in talent acquisition (cost-benefit, opportunities, and risk factors) from the context of strategic analysis and decision-making. 52 respondents from HRM and the information technology departments from fifteen large dairy enterprises, each with more than one thousand employees, were included in the focus group discussion. Both departments were included in the focus group discussion as they heavily employ AI in talent acquisition. The opinions were collected in multiple rounds based on the cost, benefit, opportunity, and risk criteria using the analytical hierarchy process, a multi-criteria decision-making framework. The findings demonstrated that most respondents opinioned AI supports talent acquisition with many opportunities (38.7%) that involve the identification of the best applicants (18.7%) and different benefits (33.2%) to the organization in the form of saving time and cost (16.1%) leading to higher efficacy. The study infers that the application of AI in HRM significantly contributes to talent acquisition, streamlining processes, improving efficiency, and enhancing decision-making. The study recommends that implementing AI in talent acquisition requires a strategic approach, and organizations need to consider factors such as data privacy, ethical use of AI, and ongoing training to ensure successful integration into their hiring processes. Additionally, regular monitoring and adjustments are essential to optimize the effectiveness of AI tools in talent acquisition.
The authors of this article would like to thank Prince Sultan University for its financial and academic support for this publication. -
Impact of emotional intelligence on SME employees’ performance: Mediating role of organizational citizenship behavior
Hamood M. Alenezi, Sania Khan
, Solomon Gbene Zaato
, Mourad Zmami , Noha Hamdy Mostafa Mohamed , Azam Malik
Problems and Perspectives in Management Volume 22, 2024 Issue #3 pp. 570-581
Views: 478 Downloads: 91 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯThis study delves into the intricate correlation between emotional intelligence and employee performance within the dynamic setting of Saudi small and medium enterprises. Acknowledging the increasing importance of emotional intelligence in the workplace, this study examines how emotional intelligence influences employee performance, with particular attention to the mediating role of organizational citizenship behavior. Employing a comprehensive research framework, the study integrates quantitative methods to analyze data collected from 248 employees across various Saudi-based small and medium enterprises. The findings indicate that high emotional intelligence enhances employee performance, with organizational citizenship behavior serving as a crucial mediator, strengthening the positive impact of emotional intelligence on performance. The results demonstrated a robust positive correlation with organizational citizenship behavior (β = 0.719***) and a moderate positive correlation with employee performance (β = 0.314***). In addition, organizational citizenship behavior played a significant positive mediating role between employee intelligence and employee performance (β = 0.397***). This suggests a nuanced interplay among emotional intelligence, organizational citizenship behavior, and overall employee performance within the specific context of Saudi small and medium enterprises.
The authors extend their appreciation to the Deanship of Scientific Research at Northern Border University, Arar, KSA, for funding this research work through project number NBU-FFR- 1502-03. -
E-WOM across digital channels: A comparison of e-commerce and social media impact on consumer purchase intentions
Mohammad Rishad Faridi, Azam Malik
, Noor Alam Khan
, Asif Iqbal
, Sania Khan
This study analyzed by comparing the effect of e-WOM (electronic word-of-mouth) virtual shopping websites and e-WOM from respondents on social networks on users’ smartphone buying intentions. A research frame is established based on four e-WOM components: e-WOM source credibility, e-WOM source quality, e-WOM source attitude, and e-WOM source format toward the purchase intention of a smartphone. The effect of the independent variables was empirically tested using multiple regression analysis on the dependent variable of customer buying intention. The research was conducted in Uttar Pradesh, a province in India, with 362 respondents administering a questionnaire. Descriptive statistics, ANOVA (analysis of variance), and regression analysis were applied to interpret the source data. The results of regression factors had a strong statistical influence with a probability value of .000 and R2 of .358 according to the outcomes, suggesting that the framework described 35.8 proportion of the variance and that all the factors were major antecedents of buying intention. This study assists digital businesses in determining consumer buying trends through e-WOM on digital platforms. This study proposes a novel concept to understand how e-WOM affects customers’ buying intent from social networks and e-commerce portals.
This study is supported via funding from Prince Sattam bin Abdulaziz University project number PSAU/2024/R/1445.
- academic performance
- advertisement perceptions
- analytical hierarchy process
- Arab advertisements
- artificial intelligence
- candidate performance
- chatbot
- convolutional neural network
- correlation
- cultural variables
- design
- e-WOM
- e-WOM source attitude
- e-WOM source credibility
- e-WOM source format
- e-WOM source quality
- emotional intelligence
- employee engagement
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