Rostyslav Slav’yuk
2 publications
0 books
Financial market imbalance: reasons and peculiarities of occurrence in Ukraine
Rostyslav Slav’yuk, Lyudmyla Shkvarchuk
, Iryna Kondrat
Investment Management and Financial Innovations Volume 14, 2017 Issue #1 (cont.) pp. 227-235
Views: 2042 Downloads: 355 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯFinancial imbalance is the reason of a macroeconomic instability. This study aims at identifying the institutional causes of financial markets imbalance. The authors consider that financial intermediaries in Ukraine work in a speculative market segment carrying out high-risk transactions with the purpose of earning a huge profit. In fact, in Ukraine the role of these institutions in the investment process financing is insignificant. The authors show that soundness of banks along with the ease of access to loans and a low level of confidence in national banking system are the main reasons of instability in financial market in Ukraine. Due to scarcity of financial capacity and refusal to carry out transactions in a high-risk market segments, insurance companies are unable to entirely perform functions of risk redistribution. Competitiveness of Ukrainian financial market remains low with a limited financial services nomenclature and it may be considered to be attractive for potential foreign investors.
Government debt management: challenges and perspectives
Investment Management and Financial Innovations Volume 15, 2018 Issue #3 pp. 143-156
Views: 2432 Downloads: 555 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯThe article examines the current tendencies of the government indebtedness in the world. It proves the rapid growth of the government debt in the different countries around the world after the 2008–2009 financial crisis and analyzes the reasons for government debt increase in particular countries and its consequences. The study is devoted to the research of the government debt in developed and developing countries. Particular attention is paid to the government debt of Japan, the USA, the European Union countries. In the article, the government debt of Ukraine, its tendencies, and consequences for the economy are analyzed. The state borrowings in Ukraine are often used for financing the servicing and payment of the existing debt. Government debt can be an important investment source and used for the development of the economies. But in the conditions of its rapid and unlimited growth, government indebtedness can be a burden for the economy.
Households’ credit demand: Main trends and characteristics for Ukraine
Banks and Bank Systems Volume 16, 2021 Issue #3 pp. 13-22
Views: 688 Downloads: 445 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯHousehold demand for credits is quite volatile, which requires constant evaluation of it changes. The purpose of the paper is to identify quantitative signals, the use of which increases the predictability of the credit market development. The study utilizes technical analysis methods for an econometric estimation of trends in household demand for credits in Ukraine for the 2002–2019 period. Based on the analysis of historical market lows, it was argued that with all the negative effects of destabilizing factors, the household demand for loans will not fall below the market support point of UAH 50 million. The financial behavior of Ukrainian households when choosing the type of loan is stable and does not change with fluctuations in GDP. Short-term loans are quite dynamic and largely depend on macroeconomic conditions, provoking market movements. If the relevant direction is supported by medium-term loans, the general market trend will correspond to the GDP trend. The demand for long-term loans is quite inertial, its change does not affect the overall market trend. The constant and variable elements of household demand for credit are highlighted.
1 Articles
1 Articles
1 Articles