Olga Katerna
1 publications
0 books
Research of market development of intelligent transport systems in the world
The issues of the development of intelligent transport systems (ITS) in the world as an instrument for ensuring social and economic growth of the state have been investigated. The essence and role of the structure of management of intellectual systems in different countries has been described and common features of their implementation have been determined. To solve the research problems, the following methods have been applied: systematic, dialectic, synthesis and generalization and scientific abstraction. To achieve the goal in the research methods have been applied on the systems approach, management theory and decision theory. System analysis has been used to identify the scientific problem. The results of the investigation have allowed the author to determine that there are problems with increasing traffic in large cities, high accident rates, high traffic growth, poor quality of traffic management, transport services, and how ITS helps to solve these problems. The results of the analysis have proved that mechanisms of ITS implementation in different countries is differ, but the key elements can be watch common: public private partnership; presence in the developed countries of the world of priority programs for the development of ITS; mandatory formation of uniform unified standards; the creation of a state coordinating body whose main function is to protect and promote the interests of the country and beyond its borders; the creation of independent groups or organizations (the majority on the basis of scientific institutions) such as “ITS America”, “ERTICO” in Europe, “ITS Japan”; industrial base in the field of development as a technical and information component, as well as cooperation in developing or participating in the field of geoinformation support. It is important to conduct an analysis of the ITS market volume in the world in 2008 – 2017 years in mln. dol. USA and a detailed analysis of the geography distribution in 2017. The implementation of the ITS begins with institutional changes, so giving them the status of a national project and developing the appropriate state program for the creation of multi-year development plans that have the goal of developing science and technology in the country can form the basis for a recommendation when implementing ITS in Ukraine.