Oleksandr Savych
1 publications
0 books
Trends of air transportation market development in Ukraine
To identify the trends of air transportation market development in Ukraine during the period 2010–2018, the analysis of the riskiness of the external market environment of airlines being the major market actors and main factors, which influence the air transportation market development, were made in the paper using statistical methods and methods of probability theory. The working hypothesis was proved on corresponding the main trends of air transportation market development in Ukraine with the world ones and the very high riskiness of the external environment of the airlines. There is some local specifics of the air transportation market in Ukraine connected with the armed conflict at the East of the country, a significant impact of non-economic factors in some years, and implementation of international safety standards. The COVID-19 impact is considered only as a discussion question. The originality of the paper is in discussing the modern trends of air transportation market development in Ukraine in the context of considering the interaction “subject – poly-subject environment”. The airlines are considered as the subjects that interact with a market as an external poly-subject environment. The results of the research identified that the riskiness of the external market environment is at the critical level for the majority of the studied airlines that does not contribute to successful business activity in Ukraine. European and Ukrainian official authorities can use the obtained results during the development and implementation of the joined cooperation in the sphere of air transportation. Besides, in the context of COVID-19, the trends of imroving aviation safety and satisfying international standards are becoming increasingly important for airlines as well as for state authorities in developing the appropriate state policy.
1 Articles