3 publications
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Corporate governance quality, firm size and earnings management: empirical study in Indonesia Stock Exchange
Yulia Saftiana , Mukhtaruddin, Krisna Winda Putri , Ika Sasti Ferina doi:
Investment Management and Financial Innovations Volume 14, 2017 Issue #4 pp. 105-120
Views: 2046 Downloads: 548 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯEarnings management (EM) is manipulation done by management in preparing financial statement in order to gain management advantages or to increase the firm value. EM can reduce the quality of financial statements because it does not show the real earning periodical. This research aims to identify the effect of good corporate governance (GCG) (institutional ownership, managerial ownership, frequency of board meetings, frequency of audit committee (AC) meetings), firm size, and leverage on the EM. Population comprises the companies in LQ 45 index of Iindonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) for the period 2010–2014. Samples of the research were taken using purposive sampling method, and the variables are tested using multiple linear regression analysis. The results of the research show that partially, only leverage has significant effect on EM, while institutional ownership, managerial ownership, frequency of board meeting, frequency of AC meetings, and firm size have no significant effect on EM, but all of the variables have simultaneously significant effect on EM. Limitations of the research are the only used 6 independent variables and 21 companies as samples of the research.
Income smoothing and market performance: empirical study on manufacturing companies listed in Indonesia stock exchange
Kencana Dewi , Mukhtaruddin, Iqbal Agung Prayudha doi:
Investment Management and Financial Innovations Volume 15, 2018 Issue #1 pp. 106-119
Views: 1715 Downloads: 303 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯIn the age of modern accounting, the era where income information is viewed to be no longer the main information that investor seeks, income smoothing is proven to be still existing. This study aims to find why income smoothing (IS) still exists in Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) by analyzing its effect on the market performance (MP). The study divides MP into three perspectives: market response is representing current investor; market risk (MR) is representing potential investor; and market value (MV) is representing the management. Purposive sampling method is applied in this study and 65 companies are examined throughout 2011–2013.
Using three models to analyze each of the relation, the results shows that IS only significantly affects the MP of companies in the aspect of market response, while the other aspects, MR and MV, yield insignificant results. -
Company characteristics and risk management disclosure: empirical study of manufacturing companies listed on the Indonesia stock exchange
Bambang Bemby Soebyakto , Mukhtaruddin, Relasari , Alfianto Sinulingga doi:
Problems and Perspectives in Management Volume 16, 2018 Issue #2 pp. 396-411
Views: 1430 Downloads: 255 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯThis research aims to obtain empirical evidence on the effect of company characteritics on risk management disclosure (RMD) from the annual reports of manufacturing companies. The sample consists of manufacturing companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) during the period 2010–2012. The total sample included 72 companies with three years observation and the examined firms reached 216. Results indicate that independent variables (firm size, profitability, leverage, public ownership, management ownership, and business complexity) have a significant effect on RMD. However, the hypotheses test with partial t-test indicate different results. Firm size (FS) and management ownership (MO) have significant effects, whereas leverage (LEV) has a negative and significant effect on RMD. Other variables, namely profitability (PRO), public ownership (PO), and business complexity (BC), have no significant effect on RMD.
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