Mohammad Naushad
1 publications
0 books
The mediating effect of entrepreneurial self-efficacy in entrepreneurial intention – a study in Saudi Arabian context
Problems and Perspectives in Management Volume 16, 2018 Issue #1 pp. 267-275
Views: 2262 Downloads: 286 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯThe purpose of the present study is to test how do the four important psychological antecedents, namely need for achievement (nAch), propensity to risk (PtR), self-confidence (SeC), internal locus of control (IlC) are mediated by the entrepreneurial self-efficacy (ESE) to predict the entrepreneurial intention (EI) in a traditionally oil-based Saudi economy striving for economic diversification. Hypotheses are tested by applying the partial least square (PLS) structural equation modeling (SEM) to a sample of 282 undergraduate business students (male and female) collected from a public university of Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA). The results suggest that psychological variables and self-efficacy play a fundamental role in enhancing entrepreneurial intention (EI) of Saudi students. Personality-related variables have direct influence over EI in other context, but in Saudi context, psychological variables are necessary but not sufficient to develop entrepreneurial intention unless combined with self-efficacy. Self-efficacy has a strong mediating effect between psychological variables and entrepreneurial intentions in Saudi context.
Intellectual capital and financial performance of Sharia-compliant banks in Saudi Arabia
The current study is aimed at analyzing the impact of intellectual capital on the performance of Sharia-compliant banks in Saudi Arabia for the period 2013–2018. The intellectual capital efficiency has been measured by applying a widely-used proxy to intellectual capital, i.e., Value Added Intellectual Coefficient (VAIC). A multiple linear regression method, based on panel data using the pooled Ordinary Least Squares (OLS), was exerted. Regression equations were obtained to determine the impact of VAIC and its components (Human Capital Efficiency (HCE), Structural Capital Efficiency (SCE), and Capital Employed Efficiency (CEE)) on the financial performance of banks, designated as Return on Assets (ROA) and Return on Equity (ROE). The study has found out that VAIC has a statistically significant impact on the financial performance of Sharia-compliant banks in Saudi Arabia. But VAIC components fail to have a significant impact on ROE. However, these components significantly affect ROA. The study concludes that Sharia-compliant banks in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia should pay particular attention to Intellectual Capital (IC) in general and Human Capital (HC), Structural Capital (SC), and Employed Capital (EC) in particular to increase Return on Assets and financial performance as a whole.
A study of brand fidelity: Its contribution and impact on the Saudi market
The paradigm shift caused by disruption of traditional business models and innovation is among some factors which have propelled marketers forward-thinking in emphasizing brand fidelity. It is a novel idea and an innovative approach to understanding the impact of consumers while they demonstrate love and commitment through engagement, subconsciously or otherwise, with respect to cognition and behavior. The current study tested the components/factors of brand fidelity among Saudi consumers. The primary data for the study were collected based on the survey instrument among Saudi consumers. Overall, 446 responses were used to analyze the results. Exploratory factor analysis (EFA) coupled with confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) using IBM SPSS and AMOS were used to analyze the data. All the factors of brand fidelity, namely “accommodation/price”, “accommodation/performance”, “cognitive interdependence”, and “derogation of alternatives”, hold valid in the Saudi context with exploratory factor analysis with a factor loading of each factor above the threshold value of 0.50, and with confirmatory factor analysis with a threshold value of more than or equal to 0.60 for all the factor loadings. The result thus obtained suggests that the brand fidelity scale is valid in the Saudi context. Saudi consumers were found to be highly loyal to their favorite brands. The findings of the study will provide inputs to the companies operating in the Saudi market for their brand-related strategy formulation. Moreover, the paper indicates undermining the power of brand fidelity in improving the bottom line through experience management.
This paper was supported by the Deanship of Scientific Research at Prince Sattam Bin Abdulaziz University, Alkharj, Saudi Arabia, under the Specialized Research Grant program with Grant No. 2020/02/17342. -
The empirical evidence on negating turnover intentions among academicians
Problems and Perspectives in Management Volume 19, 2021 Issue #4 pp. 270-282
Views: 883 Downloads: 408 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯEmployee turnover is a major concern for organizations. Specifically, among private business schools, it is proved to be one of the major impediments in carrying out academic activities. This phenomenon creates a conundrum for both college administrations and students. Therefore, each academic unit must work to minimize employee turnover. This study aims to identify the elements that influence academicians’ turnover intentions and the ways to negate them. It used a random sample of 236 academicians (professors, assistant professors, associate professors, and lecturers) from various business schools in India. Exploratory factor analysis (EFA) and confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) were used to analyze the sample. In addition, the structural equation modeling (SEM) approach was used to examine the hypotheses. All variables studied had high loadings of 0.50 or more in CFA. The research model was shown to be fit on three important absolute fit indices: absolute, incremental, and parsimonious. The regression weights of hypotheses were also determined to be significant. The findings indicate that organizational support, compensation, and personnel management had a detrimental effect on turnover intentions at business schools. These results can be used by college administration and management in devising interventions that will assist them in retaining existing talented staff and avoiding the negative repercussions of future turnover.
Insights on electric vehicle adoption: Does attitude play a mediating role?
Innovative Marketing Volume 18, 2022 Issue #1 pp. 104-116
Views: 1270 Downloads: 682 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯVehicles are classified as a mobile source of pollution worldwide. This problem is compounded in countries like India, where the population is enormous, and the number of automobiles increases quickly. To overcome this issue, governments and individuals must adopt electric vehicles and maximize the use of eco-friendly vehicles. However, the adoption of electric vehicles in India is gradual. One of the reasons is the attitude towards traditional and electric vehicles. This study’s primary objective is to determine how attitude influences the adoption of electric vehicles. The topic is vital since the attitude provided by numerous studies influences the intention to buy anything. This study considered one dependent variable (electric vehicle adoption) and one mediating variable (attitude) along with five independent variables. The data collection method was straightforward, and the sample size was 366 respondents. Exploratory factor analysis (EFA), structural equation modeling (SEM), and mediation analysis were used to analyze the data. All adopted constructs were trustworthy, with average variance extracted exceeding 0.55, composite reliability exceeding 0.75, and factor loadings exceeding 0.70 for most. The model fit indices were also found to be significant on several parameters. Among all other variables, only financial incentives affect electric vehicle adoption. In other circumstances, opinions did not influence customer uptake of electric vehicles.
SME innovation and employee creativity: The role of entrepreneurial leadership
Problems and Perspectives in Management Volume 20, 2022 Issue #4 pp. 560-572
Views: 911 Downloads: 308 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯEntrepreneurial leadership and innovation are needed for small and medium enterprises (SMEs) to survive and grow. Entrepreneurial leaders must unlock and use their employees’ creativity to innovate. Moreover, they should foster creativity, risk-taking, and teamwork to secure business growth and success. Therefore, this study analyzes the link between entrepreneurial leadership, creativity, and innovation among SMEs. The aim is to identify the traits that lead to entrepreneurial leadership which helps in fostering creativity and innovation among SMEs in Saudi Arabia.
The study is based on primary data from employees, managers, and owners of SMEs in the capital region of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Two hundred and eighty-one responses were collected. However, only two hundred and forty-eight responses were left for the final analysis. The results of the study indicate that entrepreneurial leadership positively influences organizational innovation and employee creativity among SMEs, where the coefficient was found to be significant. Next, no mediation relationships involving creativity were noted between entrepreneurial leadership and organizational innovation. However, entrepreneurial leadership has been identified as a critical driver of innovation and employee creativity in SMEs. Furthermore, the study suggests that SMEs need to foster a culture of innovation to unleash employee creativity. Finally, the study can have important implications for practitioners and academic scholars.Acknowledgment
This project was supported by the Deanship of Scientific Research at Prince Sattam Bin Abdulaziz University under the research project (PSAU-2022/01/20421). -
Effect of CSR activities on customers’ purchase intention: The mediating role of trust
Imran Ali, Mohammad Naushad
, Hadeel Jaafar Alasmri doi:
Innovative Marketing Volume 19, 2023 Issue #2 pp. 155-169
Views: 1764 Downloads: 537 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯCorporate social responsibility (CSR) is the belief that businesses must consider ethical, social, and environmental issues when making decisions. Several studies have found that CSR improves corporate performance. Moreover, CSR is thought to increase consumer trust and purchase intention. This study investigates the effect of CSR activities on customers’ purchase intentions and the mediating role of trust. It draws linkages and establishes that businesses can improve their bottom lines while positively affecting society by acting responsibly.
The present study selected two independent variables (ethical corporate social responsibility and legal corporate social responsibility) alongside one dependent variable (purchase intention) and one intervening variable (trust). The sample comprises two hundred and thirty respondents from India’s National Capital Region (NCR), Delhi, and nearby regions. The data were examined using structural equation modeling (SEM). The results showed that CSR activities significantly positively affected customers’ purchase intention. Furthermore, trust mediated the linkages between CSR activities and customers’ purchase intention. The findings suggest that CSR activities can increase customers’ purchase intention by fostering trust. In other words, when customers trust a firm, they are more likely to intend to purchase its products or services. CSR managers should therefore focus on creating and maintaining trust with their customers. In addition, findings suggest that firms should be conscious of their social image. This study offers significant insights because they show that any business can be successful and socially responsible.Acknowledgment
This study is supported via funding from Prince Sattam bin Abdulaziz University project number (PSAU/2023/R/1444). -
Diffusion of COVID-19 impact across selected stock markets: a wavelet coherency analysis
Taufeeque Ahmad Siddiqui, Haseen Ahmed
, Mohammad Naushad
Investment Management and Financial Innovations Volume 17, 2020 Issue #4 pp. 202-214
Views: 1114 Downloads: 300 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯCOVID-19 has impacted the world economy in an unprecedented manner; the financial markets indicate the same. This spontaneous event landed most of the stock markets into extreme volatility. Large capital outflow and extreme rapid fall were seen among almost all the world financial markets. Though similar trend prevailed everywhere during this pandemic, the impact could not be accumulated in absolute terms. Using the data of five stock markets, the current study endeavored to draw an impact of COVID-19 on major stock exchanges. The study uses wavelet coherency analysis on one-year daily data from June 2019 to May 2020 of five stock markets: Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE), London Stock Exchange (LSE), NASDAQ, Tokyo Stock Exchange (Nikkei), and Shanghai Stock Exchange. It is observed that there are time-variation and scale-variation in co-movements between the studied markets. During the crisis, the co-movement concentrates on a short time scale, even for two days. These results have significant implications for international investors, which will help them in portfolio diversification with time elements. All the stock markets under study have indicated co-movement at different time scales and frequencies with varying cross-power levels. However, the concentration of co-movement is found the most between the UK and the US stock markets. It is the least between Japan and the UK. In BSE, co-movement at shorter time scales started late. NASDAQ is leading only in one case, i.e., Shanghai Stock Exchange. BSE is not leading any stock index. LSE is in the leading position in all four cases. It has also been observed that co-movement started to concentrate at a shorter time scale as soon as the impact of the crisis increased.
Examining the influence of social media marketing on purchase intention: The mediating role of brand image
Innovative Marketing Volume 19, 2023 Issue #4 pp. 145-157
Views: 1712 Downloads: 394 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯSocial media has revolutionized how businesses connect with consumers, going beyond product promotion to understanding consumer preferences. It is undeniable that social media plays a pivotal role in shaping consumer purchase decisions, as more individuals turn to these platforms to seek advice and opinions from peers. The current study engaged 410 Indian consumers, employing a quantitative approach backed by rigorous statistical methods, including descriptive statistics, correlation analysis, regression analysis, and structural equation modeling (SEM) using AMOS software. The goal was to unravel the intricate dynamics between social media marketing, brand image, and purchase intentions. The findings highlight a significant and positive relationship between social media marketing efforts and brand image perception. Moreover, it was discovered that brand image significantly influences consumers’ purchase intentions. Surprisingly, it did not find a direct and significant impact of social media marketing on purchase intentions.
Notably, the study revealed a crucial insight: the influence of social media marketing on purchase intentions is fully mediated by the perception of brand image. In light of these results, businesses are encouraged to establish a strong presence on social media platforms to effectively promote their products and services. Organizations can effectively steer consumer purchase intentions by harnessing the synergy between social media marketing and brand image.Acknowledgment
This study is supported via funding from Prince Sattam bin Abdulaziz University project number (PSAU/2023/R/1444). -
Do trust and corporate social responsibility activities affect purchase intentions? An examination using structural equation modeling
Organizations place great value on corporate social responsibility (CSR), as it has been found to influence customer attitudes and intentions. This study analyzed the impact of CSR on consumers’ purchase intentions. The significance of this study arises from the fact that all progressive companies are increasing their expenditure on CSR activities. In this study, purchase intention was considered as a dependent variable, while trust, ethical, and legal CSR activities were the independent variables. Data for the study was collected from 210 randomly chosen respondents from amongst consumers of Delhi and National Capital Region of India. The data, analyzed using Structural Equation Modeling, found that trust, ethics, and legal CSR activities directly impacted consumer purchase intentions. These results indicate that legal factors do not significantly influence the corporate decision on spending on CSR activities. On the other hand, ethical factors and trust factors significantly influence the corporate decision on expenditure on CSR activities. The findings highlight companies’ requirements to be conscious of their social image. Probable limitations of the study could include sample size and the number of variables chosen.
Navigating global economic turmoil: The dynamics of oil prices, exchange rates, and stock markets in BRICS
Haseen Ahmed, Taufeeque Ahmad Siddiqui
, Mohammad Naushad
Investment Management and Financial Innovations Volume 22, 2025 Issue #1 pp. 94-106
Views: 120 Downloads: 27 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯThe study aims to analyze the co-movement between oil prices, BRICS nations’ exchange rates, and stock markets. Grasping these interrelationships is essential for understanding how global energy price shifts broadly affect the economies, particularly those of developing nations.
The study employs wavelet coherency analysis on daily data, examining the association between crude oil (Brent crude), exchange rates (Brazilian Real, Russian Rubble, Indian Rupee, Chinese Yuan, and South African Rand), and stock markets (BOVESPA of Brazil, Moscow Exchange of Russia, Nifty50 of India, Shanghai Composite of China, and JSE FTSE of South Africa) across both temporal and frequency domains.
This study reveals strong comovements, especially during periods of global economic instability, such as the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and the Russia-Ukraine war. During such periods, oil prices and stock market indices tend to move in tandem, while oil prices and exchange rates show an inverse relationship. The study also reveals a decoupling of crude oil from both share markets and exchange rates during normal economic conditions. This decoupling suggests that outside of a chaotic period, the relationships weaken. However, the co-movements among the variables for China are notably weaker, even during economic upheavals, than in other BRICS nations. Understanding these relationships can aid in informed decision making and strategies in the face of global economic turmoil.Acknowledgment
This study is supported via funding from Prince Sattam bin Abdulaziz University project number (PSAU/2025/R/1446).
- academicians
- adoption
- attitude
- brand commitment
- brand fidelity
- brand image
- brand love
- business school
- charging infrastructure
- co-movement analysis
- consumers
- corporate social responsibility
- COVID-19
- creativity
- customer satisfaction
- digital
- electric vehicles
- entrepreneurial intention
- entrepreneurial leadership
- entrepreneurial self-efficacy
- environment
- ethical CSR activities
- ethics
- exchange rates
- innovation
- Intellectual Capital (IC)
- investment management
- legal CSR activities
- mediating effect
- oil prices
- organizational support
- partial least square
- portfolio management
- purchase intention
- retention
- Return on Assets (ROA)
- Return on Equity (ROE)
- Saudi Arabia
- Sharia-compliant banks
- SMEs
- social media
- social responsibility
- stock market
- structural equation modeling
- structural equation modeling (SEM)
- trust
- turnover intention
- Value Added Intellectual Coefficient (VAIC)
- wavelet analysis
- wavelet coherence
1 Articles
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1 Articles
1 Articles
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1 Articles