Jitka Vacková
1 publications
0 books
Manager profile in organizations providing social services: Evidence from the Czech Republic
Problems and Perspectives in Management Volume 19, 2021 Issue #4 pp. 375-384
Views: 634 Downloads: 164 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯA profile of manager represents characteristics of a person performing a managerial position, i.e., it includes qualities such as knowledge, skills, and competencies within a specific specialty that provides the ability to carry out managerial duties and responsibilities successfully. The reason for obtaining this information is to build a profile of managers in organizations providing social care, as this area has not been elaborated in detail in the Czech Republic.
This study aims to identify and describe the profiles of managers in organizations providing social services in the South Bohemian Region. The study was conducted using semi-structured interviews with 24 managers of selected organizations providing social services in the South Bohemian Region until the information obtained was sufficient. Data were processed using open, selective, and axial coding.
Managers were asked about their job descriptions, their skills and education, and the specifics of their duties and responsibilities within their organizations. The results show that manager profiles are influenced by the type of organization and the organization’s funding. The results of the study showed that specific managerial duties and responsibilities are based on the type of social service provided. These duties and responsibilities are also based on the clients of services and the frequency of services provided.Acknowledgment
This study was financially supported by the project “Selected aspects of social work management”, registration number GAJU 052/2019/S (Grant Agency of the University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice). -
Integration services for foreign scientific and academic staff in the Czech Republic
Problems and Perspectives in Management Volume 20, 2022 Issue #4 pp. 166-180
Views: 362 Downloads: 95 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯThis study analyzes the status of integration services for foreign highly skilled staff at higher education and scientific institutions in the Czech Republic. This paper is relevant as it is essential to obtain data and information about services and possible barriers affecting the quality of life and professional experience with work migration to another country. The study conducted a survey and obtained feedback from 221 respondents. Quantitative data were analyzed in SASD 1.4.10. and SPSS. Moreover, the paper employed qualitative research in the form of open-ended questions processed by open coding in Atlas.ti 7.
The analysis described the quality of the employer’s services, their offer, and frequency, as well as satisfaction with the work and social environment in the Czech Republic. Barriers to integration were identified; they include complicated administration, the need to learn the Czech language, and cultural and mental differences. Deficiencies in services for common life necessities were highlighted, e.g., provision of suitable accommodation, adequate school facilities for children, dual-career jobs, or medical treatment.
The study resulted in the idea of the introduction of a service system, based on coordinated social services, for the reception of experts from abroad and better conditions for their integration. This system will increase the attractiveness of Czech institutions to the influx of brains from abroad.Acknowledgment
The authors received no financial support for the research, authorship, and/or publication of this paper. -
Motives for the migration of scientific, research and academic workers
Problems and Perspectives in Management Volume 19, 2021 Issue #1 pp. 209-220
Views: 853 Downloads: 592 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯThe higher education system needs personalities who guarantee high quality of academic and scientific performance. This paper deals with the motives of their migration to/from HEIs, knowledge of which is important for their HR management and increasing global competitiveness.
The theory is based on the idea of internationalization (Knight, 2012) and push-pull factors (Ravenstein, 1889), leading to the recruitment of highly qualified labor from abroad. The analysis focused on the “circulation of brains” in modern Europe. The final part contains a graph of the research methodology.
Three main areas of the motivation process affecting migration have been identified. At the macro-level, this is political support, which enables the arrival of experts and creates conditions for own professionals to gain experience abroad, but return. This applies to working conditions, adaptation, and integration. Economic conditions at the mezzo-level are based on the motives of finding a better job opportunity and one’s living conditions. The transfer of knowledge increases the country’s economic potential. At the micro-level, there is an impact of an individual’s character traits and surrounding social networks. It depends on the influence of a family, school, friends, the desire to apply language and other skills, and experience abroad.
The knowledge of the motives for migration should be a stimulus for taking appropriate measures at higher education institutions leading to the creation of a multicultural environment and the readiness of HEIs to use «brain circulation» to increase their excellence in academic and scientific performance.Acknowledgment
This research did not receive a specific grant from any funding agency in the public, commercial, or not-for-profit sectors. The researchers have no conflicts of interest to disclose. -
Selected socio-economic aspects of the integration of Ukrainians: Evidence from the Czech Republic
Linda Danielova, Radka Prokešová
, Jitka Vacková
, Renata Švestková
, Lesia Shuranova
doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.21511/ppm.23(1).2025.04
Problems and Perspectives in Management Volume 23, 2025 Issue #1 pp. 52-62
Views: 145 Downloads: 35 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯThe war against Ukraine has led to a substantial influx of Ukrainian migrants into many countries, including the Czech Republic. As these migrants navigate the integration process, a key aspect of their journey is often their entry into the Czech labor market. The paper aims to identify and analyze selected socio-economic aspects associated with the integration of Ukrainian immigrants, with a specific focus on their Czech language fluency, length of stay in the Czech Republic, and the underlying reasons for their migration. This quantitative research was conducted using a self-designed questionnaire. Data collection took place in the first half of 2023. The sample consisted of 158 Ukrainian immigrants. The results showed statistically significant connections between the subjective assessment of how the respondents communicate in the Czech language with the field in which they work (p < 0.05), the perception of economic status (p < 0.001), the subjective assessment of the difficulty of finding a job (p < 0.001), satisfaction with work (p < 0.005), and intention to change jobs (p < 0.005). Additionally, there are correlations between length of stay and use of original qualification (p < 0.01), reasons for migration and difficulty finding work (p < 0.05), and between subjective evaluation of the difficulty of finding a job in the Czech Republic in relation to coming to the Czech Republic (p < 0.01). The results can be used by counseling centers for foreigners and potential employers to improve Ukrainian employment opportunities in the Czech labor market.
This study is supported by the project GA JU 101/2022/S “Selected aspects of integrating foreigners living in the Czech Republic from the perspective of society and the labor market.”
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