Hikmat Javadov
2 publications
0 books
The concept of distribution of powers among accounting entities considering modernization strategy in the public sector of Ukraine
Nadiia Khorunzhak , Oleksandra Karmaza, Mykola Kurylo
, Hikmat Javadov doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.21511/ppm.16(1).2018.09
Problems and Perspectives in Management Volume 16, 2018 Issue #1 pp. 96-104
Views: 1441 Downloads: 205 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯReformation of accounting in the public sector of Ukraine, which was aimed at adapting to the international standard requirements, led to some inconsistencies related to the division of powers of its subjects. In this regard, it became relevant to study not only the methodology transformation, but also to optimize the powers of accounting subjects. Avoiding duplication of functions will harmonize the accounting system, simplify the mechanisms of data formation and increase the effectiveness of making managerial decisions. The application of the approaches for differentiating the powers of the subjects of accounting and the links between them will improve the quality and informational outgoing credentials, which are subsequently used in making managerial decisions. The study results can serve as the basis for developing a comprehensive information management system for public sector entities aimed at improving their performance.
Economic and legal aspects of banking security under European integration intensification in Ukraine
Mykola Kurylo, Alyona Klochko
, Dmytro Zhuravlov
, Hikmat Javadov doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.21511/bbs.13(1).2018.15
Banks and Bank Systems Volume 13, 2018 Issue #1 pp. 162-172
Views: 1303 Downloads: 228 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯThe European integration intentions of Ukraine have made changes to the development of its economy and in particular to the financial sphere. Substantially, these changes affected the banking system development, which is a systemic element of the financial and credit market. The essence of these changes manifests itself in the increase of foreign banks presence, the need to implement the EU banking legislation norms and methods of banking business in the domestic practice. All this determines the urgency of the effective development of economic and legal aspects of Ukraine's banking security in the European integration context. From there, the purpose of the article is to clarify the concept of banking security, its main components and levels of development. The report data of the Deposit Guarantee Fund (DGF) and the Prosecutor General’s Office of Ukraine for the last years have been analyzed. It is concluded that the lack of unified reports on the criteria for criminal offenses in the sphere of banking provides a dubious picture of the definite level of these crimes. It also testifies about the lack of control and superficial attitude of the controlling bodies towards the processes of the banking sphere criminalization. It is determined that the DGF indicators do not correspond to those of the Prosecutor General’s Office of Ukraine reports regarding the crimes committed in the sphere of banking. Lack of unified reports as well as the unified terminology and the classification envisaged at the legislative level of these socially dangerous actions complicates identifying the criminological indicators of the crimes in banking. Lack of practice in considering such categories of the cases and the corresponding resolutions of the Plenum of the Supreme Court of Ukraine also does not contribute to the fair court decisions on these matters.
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