Eka Hariyani
1 publications
0 books
Determinants of audit quality: Role of time budget pressure
Khoirul Aswar, Fahmi Givari Akbar , Meilda Wiguna
, Eka Hariyani
doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.21511/ppm.19(2).2021.25
Problems and Perspectives in Management Volume 19, 2021 Issue #2 pp. 308-319
Views: 1467 Downloads: 1599 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯThere are many problems related to audit quality, which are often associated with audit failures. Internal government auditors in Indonesia also have issues with audit quality. Therefore, this study aims to present empirical evidence on the relationship between independence, competence, motivation, and audit quality. It will also determine the moderating effect of time budget pressure on the relationship between factors and audit quality. Data of this study were collected through a google form, in which 57 questionnaires were sent to internal auditors of government within the Principal Inspectorate of Indonesia’s Supreme Audit Institution for at least two years. The study adopted a quantitative approach using purposive sampling. Data were analyzed using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) with PLS version 3.0. The result findings of this study revealed that competence and motivation have a significantly positive effect on the quality of audit while independence does not. Time budget pressure does not significantly moderate such a relationship. In addition, these results have several significant implications for internal auditors as an object of consideration and evaluation relating to audits in the government sector, and information for government internal auditors to improve and maintain the quality of audit.
Determinant factors on the disclosure level of local government’s financial statements in Indonesia
Khoirul Aswar, Alvin Yoga Fanany , Mahendro Sumardjo
, Meilda Wiguna
, Eka Hariyani
doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.21511/pmf.11(1).2022.01
Public and Municipal Finance Volume 11, 2022 Issue #1 pp. 1-9
Views: 749 Downloads: 229 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯFinancial reports are required from both the federal and municipal governments to demonstrate and improve governance and raise openness and accountability of government financial management. This study aims to determine how much mandatory disclosure in local government financial reports can be increased by adding variables such as the number of members in the legislative body, debt, and population, as well as a control variable – the age of the municipal authorities. The population of this study comprised all Local Government Financial Statements (LGFS) in Indonesia and the Supreme Audit Agency’s financial statement auditing requirements as of 2018. The paper adopted a purposive sample technique; 248 local governments in Indonesia were sampled. This study tested hypotheses using multiple regression analysis with the SPSS Version 25 application. The findings show that the number of members in the legislative body, debt, and total population do not affect the level of LGFS disclosure; however, the level of welfare does. This study should provide information that can help increase LGFS disclosure in a way that is valuable for local governments. Utilization of information technology in meeting social demands more efficiently and effectively is one of the strategies for local governments in carrying out financial statement disclosures.
Personal and reliability factors affecting adoption and utilization of e-government: An effect of intention to use
Rachmawati , Khoirul Aswar, Mahendro Sumardjo
, Meilda Wiguna
, Eka Hariyani
doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.21511/ppm.20(2).2022.23
Problems and Perspectives in Management Volume 20, 2022 Issue #2 pp. 281-290
Views: 906 Downloads: 262 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯThis study aims to examine and prove the effect of personal and reliability factors on both the adoption as well as the utilization of e-government indirectly through the intention to use. The proposed model uses various theories, such as technology acceptance, diffusion of innovation, and unified theory of acceptance and use of technologies. It incorporates contracts from the e-government adoption and usage model to explore and understand the factors that drive different types of e-technology adoption and use. Employing purposive sample, the paper collected around 158 respondents that were used to support this study. According to the findings, there are 103 government employees in the sample, 36 general public, and 19 businessmen in the Provincial Government of DKI Jakarta (Indonesia). After the questionnaire’s reliability and validity were rigorously evaluated, the data were analyzed using the Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) technique. The results indicate that personal factors and perceived trust significantly affect the adoption and the utilization of e-government. In addition, reliability variables highly influence intention to use. Moreover, intention to use does not mediate the effect of personal factors, reliability factors, and e-government adoption use. This study is expected to be material for consideration and evaluation of the quality of ICTs-based public information for government officials and staff.
Factors influencing financial statement disclosure: Empirical evidence from Indonesia
Eka Hariyani, Khoirul Aswar
, Meilda Wiguna
, Ermawati Ermawati
, Yuneita Anisma doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.21511/imfi.19(2).2022.20
Investment Management and Financial Innovations Volume 19, 2022 Issue #2 pp. 230-237
Views: 765 Downloads: 309 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯIdentifying the characteristics of Indonesian local governments that disclose financial statements looks relevant in order to find out the reasons for local governments in making policies to disclose financial statements. This study aims to examine whether financial condition, financial independence and political competition have an effect on the disclosure of financial statements in local governments, particularly districts/cities in Sumatra, Indonesia. A sample of 151 districts and cities on the Indonesian island of Sumatra were used in this quantitative analysis. The use of cluster sampling due to the implementation of accrual accounting based on the government regulation No. 71 of 2010 is applied in all districts/cities in Sumatra and has the same characteristics. The data analysis technique used in this study is a multiple linear regression with the SPSS test tool. The results reveal that factors influencing the financial statements disclosure is influenced by financial conditions (β = 0.095; p < 0.05), financial independence (β = 0.069; p < 0.05), and political competition (β = 0.038; p < 0.05). Overall, the results show a strong conclusion regarding the factors that affect the financial statements of the Indonesian government. The findings of this investigation can be a useful consideration for local governments in improving the quality of their external communications and improving public governance.
Determinants of accrual accounting adoption: The role of organizational culture
Meilda Wiguna, Khoirul Aswar
, Eka Hariyani
, Mahendro Sumardjo
, Azwir Nasir doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.21511/ppm.21(1).2023.08
Problems and Perspectives in Management Volume 21, 2023 Issue #1 pp. 83-91
Views: 841 Downloads: 336 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯThis study aims to investigate the relationship between communication, training, educational background and the adoption of accrual accounting. It also examines whether organizational culture moderates the relationship between these factors and the adoption of accrual accounting. The census sampling method was utilized to choose 44 finance division staff for this investigation. Structural equation modeling (SEM) using Smart PLS version 3.0 was employed in this paper for data analysis. In addition, a systematic questionnaire was issued to the heads of financial divisions and administrative staff in Riau city, Indonesia, in order to collect relevant data. The findings of this study revealed that the adoption of accrual accounting is influenced by communication and training, while educational background has insignificant effect. Furthermore, the interaction between training and communication in accrual accounting adoption is moderated by organizational culture. Meanwhile, organizational culture does not moderate the relationship between educational background toward the adoption of accrual accounting. Therefore, this study assists local governments in providing feedback on the implementation of various government accounting policies. Moreover, it offers information on local government coordination and solutions for accrual-based accounting systems adoption, which can be utilized as a reference for the public and local government in creating and fully adopting relevant policies. Finally, it can be used to establish and improve administrative structures in the public sector.
Disclosure level of local government’s financial statements in Indonesia: Role of the internal control system
Rheny Afriana Hanif, Sem Paulus Silalahi , Supriono Supriono
, Eka Hariyani
, Meilda Wiguna
doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.21511/imfi.20(3).2023.02
Investment Management and Financial Innovations Volume 20, 2023 Issue #3 pp. 13-21
Views: 590 Downloads: 233 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯThis study was conducted to examine the factors affecting the level of disclosure of local government financial statements. The study uses the internal control system as a moderating variable. Local government financial reports in Indonesia were the subject of this study’s audit by the Supreme Audit Agency. The number of research samples used was 487 local/city governments in Indonesia for the 2021 period with purposive sampling as a sampling technique. In this study, the Structural Equation Model-Partial Least Square (SEM-PLS) Version 3 data analysis method was employed. Based on the test results, it was found that local government budget expenditures (β = 0.263; p < 0.05) have a significant effect on the level of financial statement disclosure. Meanwhile, financial condition (β = 0.173; p > 0.05) has no significant effect on the level of financial statement disclosures. The internal control system as a moderating variable can moderate the influence of local government budget expenditure (β = 0.263; p < 0.05) on the level of disclosure of financial statements, but cannot moderate the effect of financial condition (β = –0.073; p > 0.05) on the level of disclosure of financial statements. Local governments in Indonesia are expected to be able to further optimize disclosure in accordance with Government Regulations in the future. One of the approaches used by regional governments to execute financial report transparency is the use of information technology to satisfy social expectations more effectively and efficiently.
Influence factors on financial statements disclosure of Indonesian local governments
Supriono Supriono, Eka Hariyani
, Sem Paulus Silalahi , Rheny Afriana Hanif
, Khoirul Aswar
doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.21511/pmf.12(2).2023.07
Public and Municipal Finance Volume 12, 2023 Issue #2 pp. 82-90
Views: 401 Downloads: 99 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯThis study aims to examine the factors that affect the level of disclosure of local government financial reports. This paper uses such independent variables as budget expenditure of the local government, government size, and capital expenditure. The financial records of Indonesian local governments that have undergone audit by the supreme agency are analyzed in this study. For the 2020 timeframe, 485 local/city governments in Indonesia served as the research samples, and purposive sampling was employed as the sampling method. SPSS is utilized to support multiple linear regression, which is the data analysis method used in this study. The test findings revealed that budget expenditure (β = 0.274; p < 0.05), government size (β = 0.216; p < 0.05), and capital expenditure (β = 0.178; p < 0.05) have a significant effect on the level of local government financial statements disclosure. It is envisaged that the findings of this study would enable local governments, particularly districts or cities, to better maximize the disclosure of local government financial statements in compliance with government regulation. Local governments will be able to open up information that is easily accessible with the aid of ever-improving technology.
Determinants influencing fraud prevention in e-procurement: Empirical evidence from Indonesia
Sempaulus Silalahi , Rheny Afriana Hanif, Supriono Supriono
, Eka Hariyani
, Meilda Wiguna
doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.21511/im.19(4).2023.16
Innovative Marketing Volume 19, 2023 Issue #4 pp. 199-206
Views: 422 Downloads: 111 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯElectronic procurement of government products and services strives to promote good governance by enhancing internal control and fraud prevention. This study aims to assess how e-procurement and internal control can prevent fraud in purchasing goods and services in Indonesia. Participants in the regional work units (SKPD) in Riau’s procurement of goods and services make up the study’s population. The sample included 85 respondents with the requirements for a position relating to the successful procurement of goods and services from December 2021 to December 2022. The paper used a purposeful sampling technique. This study employed a quantitative method and SmartPLS 3.0 to evaluate the data. The results concluded that the implementation of e-procurement (β = 0.231; p < 0.05) and internal control (β = 0.231; p < 0.05) have a substantial impact on fraud prevention during the procurement of goods and services. By absorbing the capital expenditure budget and limiting fraud, it is envisaged that the Indonesian government may maximize its fraud prevention. It is desired that persons involved in procuring products and services constantly broaden their understanding of and perspectives on procurement, particularly those on other crucial aspects of procurement.
Determinants influencing fraud detection: Role of internal auditors’ quality
Eka Hariyani, Supriono Supriono
, Rheny Afriana Hanif
, Sem Paulus Silalahi , Meilda Wiguna
doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.21511/ppm.22(2).2024.05
Problems and Perspectives in Management Volume 22, 2024 Issue #2 pp. 51-60
Views: 620 Downloads: 263 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯFrequent occurrences of fraud take place due to poor fraud prevention and detection. The purpose of this study is to ascertain the impact of internal audit effectiveness and continued professional commitment to fraud detection with internal auditors’ quality as a moderating variable. Seventy-eight questionnaires were distributed to internal auditors and supervisors at the Inspectorate of Riau City, Indonesia, who had at least two years of experience. Structural equation modeling (SEM) 3.0 software was used for the data analysis. According to the study’s findings, the effectiveness of internal control (β = –0.932; p < 0.05) and the effectiveness of internal auditors (β = 1.149; p < 0.05) both have an impact on fraud detection. However, ongoing professional commitment (β = 0.069; p > 0.05) has no impact. Quality of internal auditors does not affect the relationship between the effectiveness of internal audits (β = –0.190; p > 0.05), the effectiveness of internal control (β = 0.114; p > 0.05), continued professional commitment (β = 0.018; p > 0.05), and fraud detection. The findings of this study can be used as guidance for management to enhance the performance of internal auditors and for considerations and assessments for fraud detection in the public sector.
- accrual accounting
- behavior
- budget expenditure
- capital expenditure
- communication
- competence
- debt
- disclosure
- e-government
- e-procurement
- educational background
- financial condition
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