2 publications
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Optimization of Mudaraba Sharia bank finance through agency theory perspective
Djafar Jasmin, M. Moeljadi
, Djumahir
, Atim Djazuli
Banks and Bank Systems Volume 13, 2018 Issue #4 pp. 40-50
Views: 1082 Downloads: 354 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯThis study aims to analyze the implementation of mudaraba financing at Sharia banks, to consider the relationship between a principal and an agent in mudaraba financing at Sharia banks, and to explore efforts to optimize the implementation of mudaraba financing at Sharia banks.
This research was conducted at the Bank Muamalat Ternate Branch. The study used a qualitative method of single case study approach. The analysis used is an interactive model developed by Miles and Huberman. Research result exhibits the following:
1) The implementation of mudaraba financing was not in accordance with sharia implementation requirement, because there is still a gap in the income sharing system that causes the contract of mudharabah financing cannot be continued.
2) A principal has more information than an agent, because the agent has limited information especially in terms of that about cooperation instrument (mudharabah financing), while the principal is way more about data on that cooperation instrument.
3) Optimizing the implementation of mudaraba financing is needed by improving mudaraba financing governance. It is conducted by assigning consultants in mudaraba financing. The consultant has an active role and formally is directly involved in the mudharabah financing, but its characteristic only gives consideration and advice to shahibul maad and mudharabah as the key player in the mudharabah financing. -
The effects of managerial ownership, leverage, dividend policy in minimizing agency problem
Alni Rahmawati, M. Moeljadi
, Djumahir
, Sumiati doi:
Investment Management and Financial Innovations Volume 15, 2018 Issue #4 pp. 273-282
Views: 1705 Downloads: 325 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯThe research intends to minimize agency conflict through causality effects of managerial ownership, leverage, and dividend policy, where agency conflict is still interesting issue to discuss, as it concerns the principals’ and agents’ interests. The research covers 33 go-public manufacturers in Indonesia Stock Exchange. It involves 198 samples in the period 2010–2015. It applies saturation sampling and balanced panel data. For analysis model, it applies Granger bidirectional/simultaneity analysis, with variables of managerial ownership, leverage and dividend policy.The research shows that: 1) there is no bidirectional causality between managerial ownership and leverage (5%); 2) there is no bidirectional causality between managerial ownership and dividend policy (5%); 3) there is no bidirectional causality between leverage and dividend policy (10%).
Hospital’s competitive advantage through service quality, information systems and Islamic work ethics
Yanneri Elfa Kiswara Rahmantya , Ubud Salim, Djumahir
, Atim Djazuli
Problems and Perspectives in Management Volume 17, 2019 Issue #2 pp. 193-204
Views: 1175 Downloads: 1155 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯThe aim of this study is to analyze and measure the factors that influence competitive advantage seen from the quality of services, Islamic work ethics and information systems. The population of this study was all patients of BPJS participants in hospitals in Kuningan, West Java. This study uses a proportional random sampling technique to determine the sample. The respondents of this study were 115 respondents. Analysis was carried out using Partial Least Square (PLS). Results of the study prove that Islamic work ethics are positive and significant to competitive advantage. Competitive advantage can also be influenced by the hospital information system. Service quality also has a positive and significant influence on competitive advantage. Islamic work ethics, information system and service quality is a factor that can build competitive advantage in hospitals in Kuningan.
The effect of Al-Bai’ and wadiah contracts on sharia compliance and the sharia banking system performance through the Maqashid Index in sharia banks in Indonesia
Wahyuniati Hamid, Ubud Salim
, Djumahir
, Siti Aisjah
Banks and Bank Systems Volume 14, 2019 Issue #4 pp. 104-113
Views: 1081 Downloads: 991 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯThis study sought to test and find empirical evidence on the effect of Al-Bai’ and wadiah contracts on sharia compliance and the performance of sharia banking system through the Maqashid sharia index. The study employed the explanatory research design, aimed at explaining a causal relationship among variables using a quantitative approach. The Partial Least Square (PLS) model was used as the analysis method to answer the hypotheses of this study. The authors found out that increases and decreases in wadiah contracts did not influence the financial performance of sharia banks. Another finding also showed that Al-Bai’ and wadiah contracts and sharia compliance had a significant effect on the performance of public sharia banks. This result evidenced that the concept of an Islamic bank should be a mediator, which should neither allow profiting from the fund, nor should be used to invest in the real sector of various funding systems.
The effect of profitability and bank size on firm value sustainability: The mediating role of capital structure
Nanik Linawati , M. Moeljadi, Djumahir
, Siti Aisjah
Investment Management and Financial Innovations Volume 19, 2022 Issue #2 pp. 331-343
Views: 1256 Downloads: 540 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯSustainable firm value is the central concept for corporations, including the banking industry. This study examines the effect of profitability and bank size on firm value through capital structure. This study surveyed six banks registered in BUKU 4-member commercial banks operating in Indonesia that have been listed on the Indonesian Stock Exchange and implemented digital banking practices from 2007 to 2019. The six banks are Bank Mandiri, Bank Rakyat Indonesia, Bank Negara Indonesia, Bank Central Asia, Bank CIMB Niaga, and Bank Panin. Data collection is carried out by tracing the banks’ reports from the Bloomberg system terminal. Data analysis used a two-stage least squares technique. The results showed that profitability negatively and significantly affected the capital structure with a coefficient of –0.374. Moreover, bank size influences the capital structure with a negative coefficient value of –0.334. In addition, profitability positively affects firm value with a coefficient value of 0.387. Furthermore, bank size influences capital structure with a beta coefficient value of 0.158. Finally, the bank size affects firm value with a coefficient value of –0.419. These findings provide an insight for bank management to enhance firm value by assessing profitability, bank size, and capital structure. This study also contributes to the ongoing research in financial management.
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