Ayeasha Akhter
1 publications
0 books
The impact of emotional intelligence, employee empowerment and cultural intelligence on commercial bank employees’ job satisfaction
Ayeasha Akhter, Md. Mobarak Karim
, K. M. Anwarul Islam
doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.21511/bbs.16(4).2021.02
Banks and Bank Systems Volume 16, 2021 Issue #4 pp. 11-21
Views: 1873 Downloads: 403 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯThis paper aims to examine the impact of emotional intelligence (EQ), employee empowerment (EE), and cultural intelligence (CQ) on commercial bank employees’ job satisfaction in Bangladesh. For this purpose, a survey questionnaire was developed based on pre-tested constructs. The study used a convenience sampling technique, supplemented by a non-probability sampling method. 200 bank employees were invited to participate in the survey; finally, 130 responses were received as fully complete, with a 65% response rate. Hence, the sample size is n = 130. Cronbach’s alpha value was used to determine the internal consistency of the study constructs. SPSS version 26.0 was used to analyze the correlation test and hypotheses test. The findings show that emotional intelligence (EQ) with a beta (β) value of 0.510 has a statistical and positive effect on bank employees’ job satisfaction. Also, employee empowerment (EE) with a beta value of (β) 0.418 and cultural intelligence (CQ) with a beta (β) of 0.372 were found to be significant predictors of job satisfaction. This indicates that bank managers should utilize EQ and CQ to increase bank employee satisfaction and focus on employee engagement at the workplace. According to the study, if bank employees become more emotionally stable and culturally intelligent at their workplace, they will be more satisfied with their current jobs. Besides, if bank employees are given more opportunities to carry out their job responsibilities, they will be more satisfied with their jobs. The paper outlines several significant implications for commercial bank managers and offers some notable directions for future research.
Determining factors of intention to adopt internet banking services: A study on commercial bank users in Bangladesh
Ayeasha Akhter, Md. Mobarak Karim
, Sabeha Jannat
, K. M. Anwarul Islam
doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.21511/bbs.17(1).2022.11
Banks and Bank Systems Volume 17, 2022 Issue #1 pp. 125-136
Views: 1410 Downloads: 579 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯE-commerce and e-business are necessary components of today’s internet banking due to the developing global economy. Alternatively, in this technological era, the banking sector’s success is associated with creating bank users’ intention to adopt internet banking services. Therefore, the aim of this study is to determine the influencing factors of intention to adopt internet banking services of commercial bank users’ in the Bangladeshi context. A survey questionnaire was formulated based on past works of literature to find out the research objective. The convenience sampling method has been used in this study. For the data collection purpose, 250 bank users were asked request to participate in the research. As a fully completed survey, 180 responses were received where the response rate was 72% and the sample size was n = 180. For correlation analysis and hypotheses testing, SPSS version 26.0 was used. The results of the study show that Perceived Security Risk (PSR), Perceived Usefulness (PU), Perceived Ease of Use (PEU), Social Influence (SI), and Consumer Innovativeness (CI) have a statistical and significant impact on the intention to adopt internet banking services. It is concluded that the bank management committee should utilize PU, PEU, SI, and CI to amplify the level of willingness to adopt and embrace general banking services through internet platforms among bank users in their online banking transactions. For the future research study, this paper outlines several significant implications and offers some directions for the bank management committee of a commercial bank.
Examining determinants of digital entrepreneurial intention: A case of graduate students
Ayeasha Akhter, K. M. Anwarul Islam
, Md. Mobarak Karim
, Wasib Bin Latif
doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.21511/ppm.20(3).2022.13
Problems and Perspectives in Management Volume 20, 2022 Issue #3 pp. 153-163
Views: 908 Downloads: 438 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯThis study aims to identify the determining factors of digital entrepreneurial intention among university graduate students in Bangladesh. The study considered university students as a study sample (n = 358) who were either in their final year of bachelor’s program or in the master’s program from three private universities located in Dhaka city, Bangladesh. This study was quantitative in nature, and a survey questionnaire was used based on the previous studies. There were three parts: a questionnaire, demographic information analysis, and a Likert-based measurement of study variables. A Cronbach (α) coefficient value of 0.70 or above was regarded to examine the reliability of the constructs. A factor loading value of 0.50 or above was considered to measure the research validity of all constructs’ items. Regression analysis was run to test the hypotheses. A Google form-based online survey questionnaire was used to collect the data, followed by a non-probability sampling method. After scrutiny, incomplete responses were discarded, and finally, 358 responses were deemed usable. The paper used SPSS version 26.0 to perform relevant statistical analyses. The results show that digital entrepreneurial self-efficacy, digital literacy, entrepreneurship education, innovativeness, and creativity positively and significantly impact university students becoming digital entrepreneurs. Regression result shows that students’ innovativeness and entrepreneurship education have more impact on their digital entrepreneurial intentions, implying that policymakers and universities should design their academic policy to promote innovative and entrepreneurship activities in the academic pedagogy.
Determinants of women’s entrepreneurial performance: Evidence from Bangladesh
Ayeasha Akhter, Mohammed Julfikar Ali
, Khadiza Rahman Tanchi
, Wasib Bin Latif
, Md. Mobarak Karim
doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.21511/ppm.21(1).2023.26
Problems and Perspectives in Management Volume 21, 2023 Issue #1 pp. 302-311
Views: 754 Downloads: 315 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯWomen entrepreneurship has been gaining a prominent awareness among policymakers in contemporary economics, as it can hasten the rate of technological advancement and economic progress. The objective of this study is to determine the influencing factors of women’s entrepreneurial performance in a developing country like Bangladesh. This investigation is quantitative in scope and exploratory in character. The convenience non-probability sampling identified 250 women entrepreneurs in Bangladesh. The study developed a questionnaire in Google Forms by reviewing the relevant literature on entrepreneurial performance. Email addresses of women entrepreneurial ventures were collected from the digital database to send the questionnaires. This study used SPSS v26.0 to test the model and verify the hypotheses at the 5% significance level. To measure the reliability, Cronbach’s Alpha (α) value of 0.70 or more than 0.70 was regarded as acceptable. This study found that entrepreneurial orientation, networking, opportunity identification, economic factors, and socio-cultural factors positively and significantly affect women’s entrepreneurial performance. These findings could be helpful for the government, non-governmental organizations, local community, civil society, and researchers to formulate effective strategies and policies to grow women-owned enterprises in Bangladesh.
Exploring customer intentions to adopt mobile banking services: evidence from a developing country
Ayeasha Akhter, Ahmed Al Asheq
, Md. Uzzal Hossain
, Md. Mobarak Karim
doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.21511/bbs.15(2).2020.10
Banks and Bank Systems Volume 15, 2020 Issue #2 pp. 105-116
Views: 2019 Downloads: 1383 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯAs the number of smart phone users and the popularity of Internet among people are growing day by day in Bangladesh, it became necessary for Bangladeshi local banks to provide mobile banking services to their customers. Therefore, this study seeks to identify the crucial and determining factors that may affect the intention of customers to use mobile banking services. The sample size in this study is 91, in which majority are the students of Business Studies. All respondents have mobile banking at the time of the survey. The samples in the study were mainly drawn from the private university students (i.e. Business Administration students) and faculty members, and some bank officers participated as sample respondents in this study. A non-probability random sampling method is applied, and a 5% significance level is used to accept the hypotheses. Cronbach alpha (α) of 0.7 and above is considered to measure the reliability of the item wise variables. This study examines six variables (perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, trust, security, perceived privacy, and technology competency) to analyze their impact on the behavioral intention of banking customers to use mobile banking services. Three variables, namely perceived usefulness, security, and technology competency, are found to be significant predictors of customers’ intent to use mobile banking in Bangladesh. For analytical purposes, SPSS version 23.0 is used to test hypotheses. The paper also provides significant implications for bank managers to increase the adoption of mobile banking for their sustainability.
- Bangladesh
- banking sector
- creativity
- Cronbach
- cultural intelligence
- digital entrepreneurship
- digital literacy
- economic factors
- emotional intelligence
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