Artem Koldovskyi
1 publications
0 books
Analysis of consumers` innovation efficiency: changes of the consumption patterns in the Ukrainian society over the last 25 years
Hanna Sanko , Artem Koldovskyi doi: paper reviews the transformation of Ukrainian consumption patterns since 1991 and the impact this change had on Ukrainian consumers. The authors research the market forces and the influence those forces had on the consumer behavior. Also, the authors conclude that these market forces resulted in transforming consumer behavior and consumption patterns. In this paper presents a conceptual analysis of the possible choices of market models and the implications of the Ukrainian society. Scientific findings demonstrate that users in Ukraine often play the main role in the creation of new conceptual products. But at the same time, there is a paucity of literature on this problem. The authors report a very high level of novelty by these consumers. The outcomes also reveal that innovating users can be distinguished from some non-innovating ones. Finally, innovation by users can be a significant basis of new product thoughts and ideas for consumer goods companies.
The impact of financial regulation on financial control efficiency: A comparative analysis of economies
Ihor Rekunenko, Artem Koldovskyi , Kristina Babenko
, Rasa Subačienė
Accounting and Financial Control Volume 6, 2025 Issue #1 pp. 13-24
Views: 15 Downloads: 6 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯA significant aspect of financial regulation provides for risk mitigation, transparency improvement, and maintaining economic stability, making financial control systems more efficient. This article analyzes the interaction of financial regulation strength with financial control efficiency in five economies, such as the USA, the UK, Germany, Poland, and China, from 2020 to 2023. An econometric model is utilized and the World Bank Financial Regulatory Index is incorporated as the core independent variable, along with financial infrastructure, efficiency of risk modeling, GDP growth, inflation, and financial leverage; all variables are used to understand their effect on financial control mechanisms. It is confirmed that the stronger financial control efficiency of the USA, the UK and Germany is associated with their stronger scoring by financial regulation (the countries with higher scores of financial regulations are better enforced and have more appropriate risk management strategies). On the other hand, Poland and China have problems in terms of regulatory enforcement which translates into lower effectiveness of financial control. The results also show that inflation and financial leverage decrease the efficiency of financial control, and financial infrastructure and risk modeling are positively related to financial control efficiency. The study emphasizes the exigency of regulating financial oversight in emerging markets, strict enforcement policies, and embracing technological advancements that supplement the area. A future research agenda needs to broaden the scope to other economies and qualitative assessments of regulatory effectiveness.
1 Articles
1 Articles
1 Articles
1 Articles