Alina Yakymchuk
2 publications
0 books
Management of the nature conservation areas of Ukraine’s Polissya region based on the international experience
Alina Yakymchuk, Taras Mykytyn , Andriy Valyukh doi:
Problems and Perspectives in Management Volume 15, 2017 Issue #1 (cont.) pp. 183-190
Views: 1169 Downloads: 558 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯIn ensuring sustainable development an important role belongs to natural preservation areas with different functions and modes of preservation, where an important place is occupied by natural conservation territories and natural conservation objects that form the natural reserve fund. A system of management of natural reserve fund of Ukraine is associated with many problems and shortcomings. The authors have studied the experience of efficient management of similar institutions in other countries, such as the national natural and regional landscape parks. They have outlined prospects for the development of natural reserves in Ukraine in accordance with international standards and requirements. They have also outlined innovative tools for the protection of biodiversity. They have offered a range of measures to improve the efficiency of the system of management of natural reserves based on the best international practices (establishing standard expenses of the state budgetary financing, insurance, the use of geoinformation technologies, grant projects and programs, adaptive management, restructuring of management, improvement of the organizational structure, effective system of paid services, etc.).
Assessment of energy potential of agricultural plants as a basis of bioenergetic management development in Ukraine
Alina Yakymchuk, Olha Pakharenko
, Serhiy Shturkhetskyy
Problems and Perspectives in Management Volume 16, 2018 Issue #2 pp. 331-340
Views: 1142 Downloads: 202 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯSustainable economic growth and increase in the level of population wellbeing, the diminution of energy dependence of Ukraine from the neighboring countries can only be achieved through the use of different types of biofuels, the practice of which is confirmed by the experience of other countries. One of the most promising types of fuel is agricultural plants, or rather the waste that remains after harvesting. The purpose of this study is to assess the energy potential of agricultural plants in Ukraine on the example of the Lviv region with an idea that it might reduce the energy dependence of Ukraine on Russia and other countries and will become a basis for improving the national energy management system. Assessment of the energy potential of agricultural plants was carried out on the example of the Lviv region. This assessment is based on all three components of the energy potential of agricultural plants (both theoretically and technically feasible and economically justified).
According to the results of calculations, waste of wheat, other grain crops and rape has the largest energy potential. In particular, the energy potential of agricultural biomass of the Lviv region makes theoretically possible (maximum) 2.1 million tons of fuel equivalent, technically achievable 0.915 million tons of fuel equivalent (including losses), and economically expedient (optimal) 0.74 million tons of fuel equivalent. The evidence revealed in the study confirmed the fact that Ukraine has sufficient energy potential use of agricultural crops. All these measures correspond to the state strategy for the development of the energy potential of Ukraine. Considerable attention is paid to the need to form an optimal management system for the use of energy potential of agricultural plants in Ukraine. Given the significant economic efficiency of agricultural wastes, the expediency of its use as biofuels has been substantiated. The most effective in energy terms are grain crops (wheat, barley), which should be preferred in the process of biomass creation. -
The bankrupt entity’s assets valuation methods: Polish approach
Krzysztof Gawron, Alina Yakymchuk
, Olena Tyvonchuk
Investment Management and Financial Innovations Volume 16, 2019 Issue #3 pp. 319-331
Views: 974 Downloads: 202 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯThe assets of a business entity that is subject to bankruptcy proceedings form bankruptcy estate. The correct assessment of its value is a necessary pre-condition to save time and cost effective bankruptcy proceedings. The article presents the valuation methods applied in Poland for assets consisting of real estate and movables that collectively constitute the bankruptcy estate. The main objective of this study is to assess the reliability and efficiency of the appraisals of book, market and forced sale value in relation to the possibility of correct estimation of funds obtained from the sale of individual assets in the course of liquidation proceedings. The article presents the results of a study conducted in 15 intentionally selected enterprises in bankruptcy operating on the territory of Lubelskie Voivodeship in Poland. It offers the analysis of applied valuation methods and the description of specific conditions of sale of bankrupt entity’s assets in accordance with legal regulations and applied practices. In particular, it compares the differences in the value of the examined assets determined by different methods and identifies the reasons for these differences. The most important conclusion of the study is the fact that neither the market value nor the book value allow for reliable estimation of the revenues that could be obtained from the sale of the bankruptcy estate, which makes it impossible to determine the probable level of satisfaction of creditors’ claims. The specific nature of sale under bankruptcy justifies the use of the forced sale value despite difficulties connected with its estimation. The basic recommendation is the necessity to supplement the valuation report with the estimation of the forced sale value along with the comprehensive description of the algorithm of its calculation.
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