Young tourists’ attitude towards domestic tourism: a study on Bangladesh

  • Received December 20, 2017;
    Accepted June 26, 2018;
    Published July 26, 2018
  • Author(s)
  • DOI
  • Article Info
    Volume 16 2018, Issue #3, pp. 117-129
  • Cited by
    3 articles

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Bangladesh is a country with numerous natural attractions, which is the main product of tourism. Currently, the domestic tourism is increasing in Bangladesh rapidly, in which young tourists are the main contributors, as they have high interest and leisure time in exploring tourist destinations. Therefore, it has raised questions on the worthiness of carrying out a study about the attitude, travelling pattern, and the satisfaction level among the young Bangladeshis toward domestic tourism to analyze their contribution to Bangladeshi tourism industry. This study employed a survey questionnaire to collect data, which was adapted from standardized measures. A total of 571 respondents who has been randomly selected from Dhaka, the capital of Bangladesh, was involved in the study. The completed questionnaires were analyzed to measure the variables of the study and test the assumptions to achieve the objectives of the study. This study found that the travelling pattern and tour planning of the young tourists vary with regard to their occupation. In addition, the results of the study also portrayed their preferred destinations and activities in the tourist areas and their positive opinion regarding their travel experience. This study provides information to the policymakers, tourism service providers and researchers to satisfy their needs and foster the domestic tourism in Bangladesh.

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    • Figure 1. Most preferred destination
    • Figure 2. Travelling style
    • Figure 3. Information source about tourism in Bangladesh
    • Figure 4. Individual cost vs group cost
    • Figure 5. Trip partner
    • Figure 6. Concern
    • Figure 7. Sharing travel experience with others
    • Figure 8. Previous travel experiences
    • Table 1. Travel pattern
    • Table 2. Preferences and activities
    • Table 3. Travel planning
    • Table 4. Opinion and satisfaction