The role of awareness in predicting the intention of microfinance entrepreneurs to buy microinsurance services in Yemen
Article InfoVolume 18 2022, Issue #2, pp. 99-108
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Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
The study looks into the role of microinsurance awareness in predicting microfinance entrepreneurs’ intentions to purchase microinsurance in Yemen. It is based on a survey of 201 microfinance entrepreneurs who received loans from Yemen’s National Microfinance Foundation (NMF) for various purposes. The analysis and hypothesis testing used PLS-SEM. Along with additional tests regression analysis was employed to examine the effect among the study variables. According to the results, microinsurance awareness and the intention of microfinance entrepreneurs in Yemen to acquire microinsurance services were found to have a significant positive association. The study specifically demonstrated the potential of microinsurance awareness to predict the desire of around 17% of microfinance entrepreneurs to purchase microinsurance services. The study proposes focusing more on increasing microinsurance awareness among microfinance entrepreneurs to attain optimal benefits. The sample size of the prospective study could be expanded to include more microfinance organizations. It could also investigate the role of formal and informal institutions in the country’s acceptance or rejection of microinsurance services.
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)L26
- Figure 1. Model of the study
- Figure 2. Results of the path coefficients
- Table 1. Demographic information
- Table 2. Constructs’ reliability and validity
- Table 3. Cross-loadings
- Table 4. Discriminant validity
- Table 5. Latent variable correlations
- Table 6. R Square
- Table 7. Hypothesis testing
- Table 8. Construct cross-validated redundancy
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