The IPO initial returns-aftermarket risk question revisited: evidence from firms in Taiwan


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The purpose of this study is to utilize the Three Stage Least Squares (3SLS) of the simultaneous equation estimation approach to revisit the possible cross relationship between IPO initial returns and aftermarket risk. A structural form equation system of IPO initial returns and aftermarket risk equations is estimated first to obtain the structural form coefficients. The analytically derived reduced form coefficients are then calculated to analyze the net effects of each exogenous variable on two endogenous variables. Major findings of this study are as follows. First, the signs of net effects of all exogenous variables on IPO initial returns and aftermarket risk are the same. In other words, any change in exogenous variables, IPO initial returns and IPO aftermarket risk will change in the same direction, i.e., the higher (lower) the IPO initial returns, the higher (lower) the IPO aftermarket risk. Second, the less the degree of corporate governance, the higher the IPO initial returns and aftermarket risk. Third, the higher the market risk or return before IPO, the higher the IPO initial returns and aftermarket risk.

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    • Table 1. Descriptive statistics for all variables
    • Table 2. 3SLS estimation results of IPO initial return structural form equation
    • Table 3. 3SLS estimation results of aftermarket risk structural form equation
    • Table 4. The analytically derived reduced form coefficients of the 3SLS estimation