The innovation principles of economic model of the cadastral land valuation for business activity
Article InfoVolume 15 2017, Issue #3, pp. 253-265
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The aim of the article is to study, analyze and develop methods of the land cadastral valuation activity in the implementation of the procedure on revaluation of land facilities and operational adjustments, as well as to upgrade land evaluation results as a constantly functioning system for the effective planning of business activities for Cherkasy region in The aim of the article is to study, analyze and develop methods of the land cadastral valuation activity in the implementation of the procedure on revaluation of land facilities and operational adjustments, as well as to upgrade land evaluation results as a constantly functioning system for the effective planning of business activities for Cherkasy region in Ukraine. The cadastral evaluation must consider the market situations and trends the most. Frequency terms of the cadastral valuation for each of land categories and groups should be reviewed and individualized.
The article analyzes the mechanism and features of types of work on updating the state cadastral land valuation in populated localities in Ukraine, in particular of Cherkasy region, for the first time. The authors found that the main drawback of types of work on the economic model of cadastral land valuation in populated localities is the duration of time intervals between rounds of the revaluation that causes a rapid information aging. The reason for this situation is related to the financial support of types of work and their large scale.
The practical importance of research consists in conducting the revaluation (updating) of cadastral of land condition by Uman, as one of the most important objects of trade and consumer services in Cherkasy region in Ukraine. The cost of one square meter of such objects will increase, which will allow to increase the tax component in proportion and increasing profitability of budgets at the cluster level owing to actualization of the specific indicator of the cadastral value.
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)M21, R52, C51, Q15
- Figure 1. Implementation of the state cadastral land valuation
- Figure 2. The share index of the cadastral value dynamics of Uman in land assessing
- Figure 3. The schematic map of locating objects of trade, public catering and consumer services in Uman
- Figure 4. The result of the district clusterization in Cherkasy region
- Table 1. Increase at updating the territory of Uman and Uman district
- Table 2. Results of updating in populated localities for objects of trade and consumer services in Uman
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