The influence of financial technologies on the global financial system stability

  • Received September 4, 2018;
    Accepted October 12, 2018;
    Published November 28, 2018
  • Author(s)
  • DOI
  • Article Info
    Volume 15 2018, Issue #4, pp. 229-238
  • Cited by
    26 articles

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The analysis of the financial technologies introduction has proved that their application over-complicates the institutional structure of the global financial system. As a result, usual functional relationships cease to operate, new institutes and interdependencies appear, and systemic risks increase. In this context, the system instability increases, resulting in a transition to a new institutional status. The analysis of the financial technologies impact on the stability of financial system shows that the lack of institutional support for new financial technologies is the most important catalyst for the financial industry destabilization and the formation of financial bubbles in various market segments.
The ways to reduce the negative impact of financial technologies on the financial system stability (such as development of international prudential standards; revision of the licensing regime for financial companies; “regulatory sandboxes”, which test new technologies, business models and algorithms underlying the Fintech innovations; legal regulation of ownership of digital tokens; and clear definition of the blockchain technology in various areas of life, etc.) have been proposed.

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    • Figure 1. Global investment in new financial technology, in USD billion
    • Figure 2. Dynamic of assets of central banks, USD trillion
    • Figure 3. Growth of GDP and assets of the world central banks during the period 2008–2017