The influence of earning targets, independent board, and audit committee on earnings management in the Indonesian banking sector
Article InfoVolume 19 2024, Issue #4, pp. 288-297
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Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
This study investigates the influence of the independent board of commissioners and audit committee on earnings management to achieve earning targets in Indonesian banking. The research sample was drawn from 33 banks listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange from 2012 to 2022 to evaluate the time frame of the study and its relevance to current banking trends in Indonesia, as well as to examine the data sources used and their reliability. The data analysis method used in this study is a dummy variable regression model. The findings reveal significant insights into the motivations behind earnings management practices. Specifically, this study finds that managers engage in earnings management to meet profit targets, thereby signaling strong performance to stakeholders and potentially securing bonuses. Notably, the influence of corporate governance structures varies: while the independent board of commissioners demonstrates no significant effect on earnings management (p = –0.01), the audit committee plays a pivotal role, significantly influencing earnings management practices (p = –0.017). Moreover, the analysis uncovers that company size has a significant impact on earnings management (p = 0.002), while return on assets (ROA) does not. This study provides empirical evidence demonstrating the efficacy of audit committees in curbing managerial incentives for earnings management to meet targets. Furthermore, by quantifying the influence of corporate governance mechanisms and firm characteristics on earnings management, this study sheds light on key dynamics in the Indonesian banking industry.
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)G34, M41, G21
- Table 1. Summary of the research sample: banking companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (2012–2021)
- Table 2. Samples identified engaging in earnings management to meet earning targets
- Table 3. Simple regression analysis for testing Hypothesis 1
- Table 4. Linear regression analysis results
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