The impact of supply chain drivers on the performance of Ministry of Health pharmacies in Jordan
Article InfoVolume 21 2023, Issue #2, pp. 439-448
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Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
For most companies, supply chains have become the most crucial factor in their competition rather than individual competition, enabling any company to gain a competitive advantage against another organization through efficient and effective supply chain management. Supply chain drivers have become one of the most critical potential valuable access to a competitive advantage by enhancing and improving organizational performance. This study aims to explore the impact of the drivers of the supply chain on the performance of pharmacies of the Ministry of Health in Jordan. The study used the descriptive analytical approach and simple random sampling. 300 electronic questionnaires were designed via Google Sheets and sent via email and social media to employees in the Jordanian Ministry of Health pharmacies. The study retrieved 252 questionnaires valid for analysis. SPSS was employed to analyze the data and test the hypotheses. The results showed that the Beta-value is 0.849, T-value is 25.370, at a significance value of 0.000, which means that supply chain drivers affected the Ministry of Health pharmacy’s performance. The estimated regression equation means that any one-unit increase in the level of supply chain drivers will lead to an increase in Ministry of Health pharmacies’ performance by 0.789. Furthermore, the performance of the supply chain drivers was moderate, and the general performance was high. The study recommended that pharmacies focus on employing software and modern technology in inventory control.
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)M10, M12, M30
- Figure 1. Research model
- Table 1. Cronbach’s alpha coefficients
- Table 2. Variance inflation factor and toluene dimensions
- Table 3. Testing H01
- Table 4. Testing H01: ANOVA
- Table 5. Multiple regression analysis of the impact of supply chain drivers on the Ministry of Health pharmacies’ performance
- Table 6. Summary of the simple linear regression variance analysis for H01.1
- Table 7. Testing H01.1: ANOVA
- Table 8. Multiple regression of supply chain drivers’ impact on customer satisfaction of Ministry of Health pharmacies’ performance (H01.1)
- Table 9. Summary of the simple linear regression variance analysis for H01.2
- Table 10. Testing H01.2: ANOVA
- Table 11. Multiple regression of supply chain driver’s impact on the internal process of the Ministry of Health pharmacies’ performance
- Table 12. Summary of the simple linear regression variance for H01.3
- Table 13. Testing H01.3: ANOVA
- Table 14. Multiple regression of supply chain drivers’ impact on the learning and growth of the Ministry of Health pharmacies’ performance
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