The impact of consumer-based brand equity on consumer attitude and intention towards electronic word-of-mouth: An empirical study on luxury brands in Saudi Arabia
Article InfoVolume 19 2023, Issue #3, pp. 11-20
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Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
Branding strategy is crucial in strengthening firms’ market competitiveness. This study examined the influence of brand equity of luxury brands on attitudinal responses and behavioral intentions of consumers towards electronic word-of-mouth. The population of this study was consumers in Saudi Arabia who search about online reviews of luxury brands on social media platforms. This study used a convenience sampling technique. The research data were collected on-line from 277 luxury brand consumers in Saudi Arabia using a quantitative Likert-type survey. SPSS and Pearson’s correlation coefficient were used to examine the research hypotheses. The results of this study showed that brand equity and its components (brand image and brand awareness) have significant positive relationships with consumer attitude towards electronic word-of-mouth, as values of correlation coefficient were r = 0.440 and r = 0.396, respectively, at a significance level less than 0.01. Additionally, the results indicated that brand image and brand awareness have significant positive relationships with consumer intention to follow electronic word-of-mouth, as values of correlation coefficient were r = 0.336, r = 0.360, respectively, at a significance level less than 0.01. The findings of this study provide valuable theoretical and practical implications for managers and marketers in the luxury brand sector.
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)M31, M15
- Figure 1. Research framework
- Table 1. Measurement scales
- Table 2. Reliability analysis
- Table 3. Correlation between brand image and consumer attitude towards e-WOM
- Table 4. Correlation between brand awareness and customer attitude towards e-WOM
- Table 5. Correlation between brand image and consumer intention to follow e-WOM
- Table 6. Correlation between brand awareness and customer intention to follow e-WOM
- Table 7. Results of testing hypotheses
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