The impact of adopting the digital strategy on the competitive advantage: A moderating role of employee satisfaction in the Jordanian banking sector
Received September 22, 2023;Accepted January 3, 2024;Published January 18, 2024
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Article InfoVolume 22 2024, Issue #1, pp. 193-204
Cited by1 articlesJournal title: Foreign trade: economics, finance, lawArticle title: КОНЦЕНТРАЦІЯ КАПІТАЛУ: МЕРЕЖЕВО-ЦИФРОВИЙ ВИМІРDOI: 10.31617/3.2024(133)04Volume: 133 / Issue: 2 / First page: 66 / Year: 2024Contributors: Юрій ШВЕД, Богдан ТИТИШ
This work is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
Digital strategy is one of the methods adopted by organizations to use digital technology to achieve business goals, improve performance, and enhance competitive advantage by significantly improving customer experience. Success in achieving competitive advantage requires implementing the digital strategy effectively. The study aims to determine the impact of adopting the digital strategy on the possession of competitive advantage with the moderating role of employee satisfaction in the Jordanian banking sector. Data were collected from 397 employees working in twelve Jordanian banks. The SPSS software was used to analyze the data and test the hypotheses. The results show that adopting digital strategy dimensions explains 55.6% of the variance of competitive advantage dimensions. Data, quality, and flexibility explain 45.8%, 44.8%, and 47.3% of the variance of competitive advantage, respectively. Also, the results show a positive impact of digital strategy dimensions (technologies, data, human resources, and operations) on competitive advantage dimensions (quality, flexibility, and cost). Moreover, the results also show that employee satisfaction moderates and enhances the relationship between adopting the digital strategy and possessing competitive advantages. The study recommended that decision-makers in commercial banks pay attention to applying digital technology because it enhances the speed and quality of providing services to customers.
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)M10, M15
- Figure 1. Conceptual framework
- Table 1. Sample distribution
- Table 2. Stability of the study tool
- Table 3. Variance inflation coefficient, tolerance variance, and skewness test
- Table 4. Arithmetic mean and standard deviations
- Table 5. Multiple linear regression for the first hypothesis
- Table 6. Regression coefficients for the first hypothesis
- Table 7. Simple linear regression for the sub-hypotheses
- Table 8. Hierarchical multiple regression analysis of the second main hypothesis
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Tayseer AL Afaishat
Data curation
Tayseer AL Afaishat
Formal Analysis
Tayseer AL Afaishat
Project administration
Tayseer AL Afaishat, Maan Al-Maadhedee
Tayseer AL Afaishat
Tayseer AL Afaishat
Writing – original draft
Tayseer AL Afaishat
Maan Al-Maadhedee
Maan Al-Maadhedee, Ismail Yamin
Writing – review & editing
Maan Al-Maadhedee, Ismail Yamin
Ismail Yamin
The resource-based view: a tool of key competency for competitive advantage
Problems and Perspectives in Management Volume 17, 2019 Issue #3 pp. 143-152 Views: 5273 Downloads: 1161 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯThe increasing turmoil in the external organizational setting or business environment has focused attention on capabilities and resources as the primary source of competitive advantage. Obviously, this statement points to the application of the resource-based view (RBV) of organizational management. Nevertheless, what constitutes RBV remains an illusion in many quarters of organizational management, as scholars have managed to put up their personal ideas, and managed to converge on phenomenon-driven theories, in addition to RBV. This paper reviews the concepts of RBV in light of knowledge management to highlight some critical pitfalls that might have eluded the research community on the subject matter of RBV. To this end, this paper’s educational value lies in the fact that it simplifies the concept of RBV to the new researcher in a fashion that is capable of appealing to his or her level. A cross-sectional qualitative research approach was employed in an effort aimed at understanding the role of RBV in creating a sustainable competitive advantage and key competencies. A total of 20 relevant articles were searched from different databases and search engines, including Scopus, EBSCO, ABI Inform, IEEE, PubMed, Science Direct, SABINET, IEEE, Bing, Science Direct, and Google Scholar. The findings indicate that RBV plays an important role and assists organizations not only create, nurture, and maintain competitive advantage, but also understand the collective resources needed to compete favorably in a globalized and highly competitive market. With expert knowledge workers at its core to provide support for knowledge creation, sharing, and utilization, the RBV principles discussed in this paper promise to guarantee a methodological step geared towards the achievement of competitive advantage. It, therefore, makes an incremental contribution to the RBV to attain modest improvement in organizational settings.
Vegetable market: competitive advantages of Georgian product and competition challenges
Eter Kharaishvili, Badri Gechbaia
, Gela Mamuladze
The paper evaluates the level of competition on the vegetable market. Based on the analysis of the production development trends and resource potential, dynamics and ratio of export and import of agricultural products, including vegetables are presented; dynamics of self-sufficiency ratio of these products is studied; challenges of food security and competitive advantages of Georgian vegetables are identified.
The article concludes that the country has a significant potential for exporting vegetables both to the countries of Europe and Middle East. The paper discusses the factors that hinder export of vegetables; in addition, the ways for reducing dependency on seasonality, opportunities for the development of modern greenhouses and mechanisms for supplying goods to customers all year round are suggested.
On the basis of analyzing the level of competition on the vegetable market, vegetable business is considered as monopolistic. In addition, it is calculated that, currently, local vegetables products account for only 75% of the market.
The paper evaluates the outcomes of high market power caused by monopoly in vegetable business; the impact of market power on pricing mechanism and the welfare of population is determined. In accordance with the problems identified, conclusions are made and recommendations for solving these problems are suggested. -
Integrated reporting and financial performance of South African listed banks
Banks and Bank Systems Volume 14, 2019 Issue #2 pp. 128-139 Views: 2894 Downloads: 567 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯThe recent development of integrated reporting intends to address the limitations associated with corporate reporting practices. This paper aims to examine whether a statistically significant relationship exists between integrated reporting quality and financial performance. Secondary data was used, namely the integrated reports and annual financial statements of South African banks listed on the Johannesburg Stock Exchange (JSE) for 2010–2014. For the period 2005–2009, only the financial statements were used, since integrated reporting was not yet mandatory. The research design was longitudinal and it combined qualitative and quantitative methods. Descriptive statistics and Feasible Generalized Least Square (FGLS) were used to explore the relationships between financial performance and integrated reporting quality. The results indicate that there is a positive relationship between integrated reporting quality (IRQ) and earnings per share (EPS). However, there is no significant relationship between IRQ and Tobin’s q (Q-Ratio), IRQ and return on equity (ROE), IRQ and return on assets (ROA) as well as IRQ and economic value added (EVA). Moreover, there are no significant differences on the financial performance of the listed banks before and after the introduction of integrated reporting.