The effect of monetary and financial variables on share prices of Jordanian commercial banks
Received August 3, 2020;Accepted September 8, 2020;Published September 25, 2020
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Article InfoVolume 15 2020, Issue #3, pp. 147-159
This work is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
This study aims to examine the effect of monetary and financial variables on share prices of Jordanian commercial banks for the period 2001–2018. The monetary variables used in the research include broad money supply, the interest rate on time deposits and inflation, while financial variables include both the deficit of the general budget and government expenditures, and the general government domestic debt. A multiple linear regression equation is designed using E-Views program to test this effect. The study shows that there is a significant positive effect of broad money supply, whereas a negative effect of the general budget deficit and a positive effect of the domestic debt on share prices of commercial banks in Jordan for the specified period. In contrast, there is no effect of both inflation and the interest rate on time deposits and government expenditures on the price of shares of Jordanian commercial banks. The study recommends taking into account the relationship between the variables mentioned in the prices of shares of commercial banks when setting monetary and financial policies by the central bank and the government to determine the extent to which these variables reflect share prices of Jordanian commercial banks. Overall, the regression model reached R2 = 0.63, and this means that 63% of the change in the share prices of Jordanian commercial banks is due to changes in the independent variables included in the model.
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)E22, E42, E52
- Table 1. Hypothesis testing and results
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Hel Ajmi Jameel Al-Dhaimesh
Data curation
Hel Ajmi Jameel Al-Dhaimesh
Funding acquisition
Hel Ajmi Jameel Al-Dhaimesh
Hel Ajmi Jameel Al-Dhaimesh
Hel Ajmi Jameel Al-Dhaimesh
Hel Ajmi Jameel Al-Dhaimesh
Hel Ajmi Jameel Al-Dhaimesh
Writing – original draft
Hel Ajmi Jameel Al-Dhaimesh
Impact of inflation on economic growth: evidence from Nigeria
Investment Management and Financial Innovations Volume 17, 2020 Issue #2 pp. 1-13 Views: 9700 Downloads: 5808 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯIn an attempt to examine the influence of inflation on the growth prospects of the Nigerian economy, the study employs the autoregressive distributed lag on the selected variables, i.e. real gross domestic product (GDP), inflation rate, interest rate, exchange rate, degree of economy`s openness, money supply, and government consumption expenditures for the period 1980–2018. The study findings indicate that inflation and real exchange rate exert a significant negative impact on economic growth, while interest rate and money supply indicate a positive and significant impact on economic growth. Other variables in the model depict no influence on the economic growth of Nigeria. The causality result shows the unidirectional relationships between interest rate, exchange rate, government consumption expenditures and gross domestic product. However, inflation and the degree of openness show no causal relationship with gross domestic product. As a result, the study recommends that a more pragmatic effort is needed by the monetary authorities to target the inflation vigorously to prevent its adverse effect by ensuring a tolerable rate that would stimulate the economic growth of Nigeria.
Fair market value of bitcoin: halving effect
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Factors affecting equity mutual fund performance: evidence from Indonesia
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